Equal, Sweet n Low, Artificial sweeteners



  • LongIsland27itl
    LongIsland27itl Posts: 365 Member
    I'm Actually thinking of switching from Splenda to sugar. A gram is only 1carb /4 calories right, I could afford a few daily in coffee or yogurt
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    I'm Actually thinking of switching from Splenda to sugar. A gram is only 1carb /4 calories right, I could afford a few daily in coffee or yogurt

    I agree. In my opinion, it's not the sugar I sprinkle on my food that's the big problem, it's the sugars cooked into commercial foods ... Including HFCS. Same deal with salt.
  • vingogly
    vingogly Posts: 1,785 Member
    But if Dr Oz said it would help it would fly off the shelves. Hes such an *kitten*. ANyway I have used splenda for years and I have 10 toes and 5 fingers on all three of my hands so I am good.

    My favorite semi-artificial sweetener at present is a newer Splenda product called Nectresse made with something called monk fruit ... I prefer its taste to the others. Stevia has a bitter aftertaste to me though I don't mind it in coffee/tea.

    As for the extra limbs, I have some ideas for a Hallowe'en costume I'm working on ...