New mommas? Getting back to pre preggo weight.

Hey all! I've been on and off MFP since about 2011. Had my baby love miss Emma about 11 months ago. I gained 50 pounds during my pregnancy (I know, I know) and have about 20 left to lose. I couldn't really count calories before because it would always make my milk supply tank but now I'm done with all that so here we gooooo!! I would like some support from fellow new mommas if possible. There is a definite time crunch issue with a new baby around (I'm a full time working momma in healthcare) and I would love the support.


  • ksmi141
    ksmi141 Posts: 72 Member
    Welcome back! I'm in grad school and my LO is 7 weeks now and now I'm trying to get back to regular life. I lost almost 30 lbs after having him, and I've gained 12 since. But I've been surviving on carbs and coffee. Hoping to get back in the kitchen and the gym. Feel free to add me, maybe we can help each other figure it out!
  • amazonqueen29
    amazonqueen29 Posts: 247 Member
    Hey there!! I just had my lo back in Sept. After losing 117 lbs right before getting pregnant I have been determined to get back there. I've lost 50 lbs since November and am motivated to lose the rest by August! Our mindset is the first thing we have to change!!!