Can I eat another cookie or two?



  • QueenE_
    QueenE_ Posts: 522 Member
    don't cheat yourself treat yourself :)

    ^Yeah, that. :)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Say no... Short term satisfaction or long term satisfaction? You've had two, lucky you! But don't over do it. You'll feel better for saying no and being strong. :smile:

    I contend that having a 500 deficit and filling it with cookies isn't overdoing it. She worked for those extra calories and using them to her enjoyment will keep her motivated to keep working. Sweating for your cookies is a show of strength when you could know, eat them.

    Besides, gotta eat those exercise calories back. Might as well go for max tastyness
  • Me2FitMe
    Me2FitMe Posts: 1,284 Member

    Mother Nature's candy? lol
  • SlimJanette
    SlimJanette Posts: 597 Member
    You can but only if you share them :happy:
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    What kind of cookies are they? I'm asking for a friend.
  • RiannonC
    RiannonC Posts: 145 Member
    Will you regret eating them later? If so don't eat them. If not, eat them.
  • carolyn0613
    carolyn0613 Posts: 162 Member
    I want cookies now...

    But if you want to eat cookies, eat them. We don't have banned foods here, just moderation. And you've already said they won't even take you over your goal so, in my book, that's the moderation bit taken care of.
  • LERadicalDreamer
    LERadicalDreamer Posts: 61 Member
    Meh. My only thing is that would be 500 empty calories. 200, sure, but 500? For myself, I'd look for a better option.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i disagree, i say don't eat it. The longer you can go w\out eating it, the easier it is to avoid. When you keep allowing cheats you just compromise all your hard work.

    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    I'm gonna say my experience is the exact opposite. I've never had fresh fruit that tasted half as good as an Oreo or fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. And I've tried a wide variety, both organic and otherwise.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    I'm gonna say my experience is the exact opposite. I've never had fresh fruit that tasted half as good as an Oreo or fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. And I've tried a wide variety, both organic and otherwise.

    meh, maybe it's part mental, like i'm certainly not to where i want to be yet, but eating fruit and looking how i do now, vs eating garbage food and how i used to just feels like the easiest decision in the cardio is hard work and eating a cookie vs having to run an extra 20 minutes as a result...makes the decision even easier. took time, certainly when i started my diet was the biggest issue (I ate alot of fast food and garbage food, never ate fruit for snacks nor did i eat purely healthy).
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i disagree, i say don't eat it. The longer you can go w\out eating it, the easier it is to avoid. When you keep allowing cheats you just compromise all your hard work.

    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    Total avoidance is silly, when it really doesn't have an impact on fat loss if you fit in treats here and there

    And i feel sorry that you've never had a good cookie
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    i disagree, i say don't eat it. The longer you can go w\out eating it, the easier it is to avoid. When you keep allowing cheats you just compromise all your hard work.

    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    Total avoidance is silly, when it really doesn't have an impact on fat loss if you fit in treats here and there

    And i feel sorry that you've never had a good cookie're certainly much lower bf% than i am now..but in my mind, i don't want to eat food as "enjoyment". I want to eat to be healthy and to not be hungry. I don't see the point in eating crappy food when there is a world of healthy food that tastes great. If i really want something sweet, I'd rather drink like chocolate soy milk than eat any sort of dessert that i'd regret later.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    I'm gonna say my experience is the exact opposite. I've never had fresh fruit that tasted half as good as an Oreo or fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. And I've tried a wide variety, both organic and otherwise.

    meh, maybe it's part mental, like i'm certainly not to where i want to be yet, but eating fruit and looking how i do now, vs eating garbage food and how i used to just feels like the easiest decision in the cardio is hard work and eating a cookie vs having to run an extra 20 minutes as a result...makes the decision even easier. took time, certainly when i started my diet was the biggest issue (I ate alot of fast food and garbage food, never ate fruit for snacks nor did i eat purely healthy).

    Well, I don't believe in garbage food so I'm gonna agree that it's partly a mentality. I was in the best shape of my life enjoying what you may consider garbage, so to me it makes no sense to avoid it now.
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    I'm gonna say my experience is the exact opposite. I've never had fresh fruit that tasted half as good as an Oreo or fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. And I've tried a wide variety, both organic and otherwise.

    meh, maybe it's part mental, like i'm certainly not to where i want to be yet, but eating fruit and looking how i do now, vs eating garbage food and how i used to just feels like the easiest decision in the cardio is hard work and eating a cookie vs having to run an extra 20 minutes as a result...makes the decision even easier. took time, certainly when i started my diet was the biggest issue (I ate alot of fast food and garbage food, never ate fruit for snacks nor did i eat purely healthy).

    Well, I don't believe in garbage food so I'm gonna agree that it's partly a mentality. I was in the best shape of my life enjoying what you may consider garbage, so to me it makes no sense to avoid it now.

    i guess it also depends on your goals, if you want to get skinny/slim/normal etc...i spose it's fine to eat bad food, I'm super focused on getting to 6-8% bf, so in my mind, it's not worth slowing down my progress. I started at 35% bf @ 285 pounds initially, this last february i was at 24% BF and weighed 250, and right now i'm 15% (and right about 200lbs) to stall gains bc an oreo tastes sweet just seems like a waste to me.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    I'm gonna say my experience is the exact opposite. I've never had fresh fruit that tasted half as good as an Oreo or fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. And I've tried a wide variety, both organic and otherwise.

    meh, maybe it's part mental, like i'm certainly not to where i want to be yet, but eating fruit and looking how i do now, vs eating garbage food and how i used to just feels like the easiest decision in the cardio is hard work and eating a cookie vs having to run an extra 20 minutes as a result...makes the decision even easier. took time, certainly when i started my diet was the biggest issue (I ate alot of fast food and garbage food, never ate fruit for snacks nor did i eat purely healthy).

    Well, I don't believe in garbage food so I'm gonna agree that it's partly a mentality. I was in the best shape of my life enjoying what you may consider garbage, so to me it makes no sense to avoid it now.

    i guess it also depends on your goals, if you want to get skinny/slim/normal etc...i spose it's fine to eat bad food, I'm super focused on getting to 6-8% bf, so in my mind, it's not worth slowing down my progress. I started at 35% bf @ 285 pounds initially, this last february i was at 24% BF and weighed 250, and right now i'm 15% (and right about 200lbs) to stall gains bc an oreo tastes sweet just seems like a waste to me.

    There is nothing about so called "junk"/"unclean" foods that would slow down your progress. Hold cals and macros constant, it doesn't really matter what foods are eaten
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    i disagree, i say don't eat it. The longer you can go w\out eating it, the easier it is to avoid. When you keep allowing cheats you just compromise all your hard work.

    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    Total avoidance is silly, when it really doesn't have an impact on fat loss if you fit in treats here and there

    And i feel sorry that you've never had a good cookie're certainly much lower bf% than i am now..but in my mind, i don't want to eat food as "enjoyment". I want to eat to be healthy and to not be hungry. I don't see the point in eating crappy food when there is a world of healthy food that tastes great. If i really want something sweet, I'd rather drink like chocolate soy milk than eat any sort of dessert that i'd regret later.

    If you regret eating "any sort of dessert" then you might need to seek help as that is not normal thinking
  • brdnw
    brdnw Posts: 565 Member
    There is nothing about so called "junk"/"unclean" foods that would slow down your progress. Hold cals and macros constant, it doesn't really matter what foods are eaten

    I understand what you're saying, but if i ate 400 calories of fruit vs 400 calories from a candy bar/chips/soda/etc.., i feel like i'm much less likely to feel hungry or have a need for additional of course fruit provides much more vitamins/etc than something unhealthy.

    ..maybe it's mental bc a candy bar is small and a quick task vs eating an equivalent amount of fruit/salad takes more time and just feels more satisfying.

    i'm not pretending to be some PHD about this, but i know what works for me and i know i've had pretty good success and am much happier to eat healthy than to not.
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member

    I understand what you're saying, but if i ate 400 calories of fruit vs 400 calories from a candy bar/chips/soda/etc.., i feel like i'm much less likely to feel hungry or have a need for additional of course fruit provides much more vitamins/etc than something unhealthy.


    What makes it "unhealthy"? Given that someone would eat mostly nutritious foods throughout the day. Hitting macro/micro targets and being at a calorie deficit while eating cookies doesn't make anything eaten unhealthy. That includes the cookies.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    plus i've never found a cookie that tasted better than any sort of fresh fruit.

    I'm gonna say my experience is the exact opposite. I've never had fresh fruit that tasted half as good as an Oreo or fresh baked chocolate chip cookie. And I've tried a wide variety, both organic and otherwise.

    meh, maybe it's part mental, like i'm certainly not to where i want to be yet, but eating fruit and looking how i do now, vs eating garbage food and how i used to just feels like the easiest decision in the cardio is hard work and eating a cookie vs having to run an extra 20 minutes as a result...makes the decision even easier. took time, certainly when i started my diet was the biggest issue (I ate alot of fast food and garbage food, never ate fruit for snacks nor did i eat purely healthy).

    Well, I don't believe in garbage food so I'm gonna agree that it's partly a mentality. I was in the best shape of my life enjoying what you may consider garbage, so to me it makes no sense to avoid it now.

    i guess it also depends on your goals, if you want to get skinny/slim/normal etc...i spose it's fine to eat bad food, I'm super focused on getting to 6-8% bf, so in my mind, it's not worth slowing down my progress. I started at 35% bf @ 285 pounds initially, this last february i was at 24% BF and weighed 250, and right now i'm 15% (and right about 200lbs) to stall gains bc an oreo tastes sweet just seems like a waste to me.

    My goal isn't skinny (been there, done that, left unhappy) but to be strong and fit. I hit my protein and my fat, I keep an eye on my Micro, and at the end of the day if I've got calories I eat some ice cream or cookies or both. I'm having both tonight, nom. I work hard and bust my butt; if a year from now ice cream eaten while at a deficit and while hitting macros hurts me I'll be shocked. Also turning myself in for scientific study.