Committing Today !

My mother had 2 strokes in November 2015 at only 53 years old. Her cholesterol has been high for quite some time as she has gained some weight. Though she is very petite she carries her weight around her middle like I do. I decided then that I needed help. I started in December with a beginning weight of 175 at 34 yrs old and at only 5'4". I have had back problems for quite some time and for the last two years have been in excruciating pain. I have scoliosis with a 37 degree curve, also degenerative disc disease which I just discovered in September 2015. Five degenerated, 3 bulging, this makes it sometimes hard to even move at all, much less exercise. I went to a medical clinic and they suggested phentermine for a short time to help take some of the weight off my spine and easier to begin to move. I am now at 162 and finding it much easier to move around, much less painful. I am beginning today with exercises that I know I can maintain for long term. Push-ups, sit-ups with an ab mat for support and squats. I will probably add walking as I continue to lose weight, but my ultimate goal is to lose fat and tone. I have been muscular most of my life so 145lbs would put me at a size 8 which half of my clothes are in my closet. I just had to write this out as a commitment to myself. If you got this far I thank you. I have two trips planned which involve a beach this summer. One in June and my 10 year anniversary in September. I am making this commitment not only for myself, but for my husband and children so I can be around for them for years to come, God willing. Here is to getting fit!