Tell me about your lunches !



  • xtina315
    xtina315 Posts: 218 Member
    tuna, or turkey on sara lees 45 cal bread. I will usually have a fruit or carrot sticks and celery. I always have a flavored water or a 90 cal soda because im trying to ween myself from my nasty soda habit lol.
  • choppie70
    choppie70 Posts: 544 Member
    This week is:

    *ground turkey/black beans/rice
    *ground turkey chili
    *crock pot salsa chicken

    We meal prep on Sundays and pack them in individual servings so each morning I just grab one to go.

    Since we have been doing this, I have been less hungry for little things. I used to bring sliced turkey wrapped in swiss, almonds, a cheese snack, fruit, celery/carrot sticks and a Premier shake and I was still hungry!
  • cnbbnc
    cnbbnc Posts: 1,267 Member
    Usually it's a sandwich of some sort. Lunch meat/cheese, tuna, veggie burger, with veggies in low carb tortillas or on 100cal bagel thins. I either have a side of cottage cheese, a snack size bag of chips, or small Apple. Once in a while I throw the meats in a salad instead.
  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    Lunches are my most pedestrian meal, so I either have a turkey wrap or salad and yogurt.
  • Bostonbee79
    Bostonbee79 Posts: 40 Member
    I despise lunch. It's my least favorite meal of the day. I usually have a pbj. It's kind of a calorie killer. But as a teacher, I like to eat quick lunches. If I don't have a pbj, I eat leftovers from the night before.
  • Jeniccm
    Jeniccm Posts: 44 Member
    Lately I cook up a bunch of chicken, season it and put it in the fridge. For lunch I take a small tortilla, put on a tbsp of tzatziki, 3oz of the pre made chicken and a handful of pre made salad in a bag. Healthy, low cal and it takes about a minute to throw together