On a Mission to become Healthier Need Friends

Good Evening I'm on a Mission to become healthier and not feel so tired all the time as I've got some health issues that I seriously need to get under control. My goal is to lose 50 pounds by the end of 2016 and I know I can do it I've already lost 30 pounds by myself and I know if I work very hard at it I will meet that goal by the end of the year. I have great support at home as my husband is joining me in this weight loss journey and I'm also wanting to set good examples for my son who is not currently over weight and I want him to stay that way. I plan on working out everyday after work even if I'm tired and etc. and most of all watching what I eat and making sure that I log everyday and try and not cheat. I do have a fitbit and you can add me by tigersmom1999@gmail.com. I look forward to all the support I can get as I try and get my health back on track.