How do you help someone eat more healthy, any tips?

Okay, so I know this may sound like I'm being rude but I'm seriously worrying about my boyfriends eating habits...once upon a time he hardly ever ate but now I feel as if he's going overboard on his eating.. Like I try not to bother about what he eats but sometimes he make's me worried, not only is he a smoker with a collapsed lung (from when he was a kid) but his eating habits don't help when he gets tired easily (lets say, sleeping in till 3 pm) and being unable to go for a walks. He always complains about feeling like crap but when I try to explain to him, he's being unhealthy hence why he feels this way...he just kinda put's me off.

Like I don't nag to him about calories or anything like that but when tells me he's having a sandwich with ham,sliced cheese,mayo,mustard,kabasa, marble cheese and stinky cheese to top it off.. I know better to think one or two slices of each because when he makes me food he's always been one to go now he's complaining he's gaining weight.

I just honestly wanna know what I can do to help him,(without seeming super pushy) and to show him that if he eat's healthy, he WILL feel better... any tips or ideas?

He also is a very big junk food eater... which I think it where I started to get it from Lol.

I was thinking of maybe showing him different foods that he can try, or may like that have veggies or fruit.


  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Talk to him. Express your concern and basically what you said. If he decides to review his health, great. But if not, that's his choice.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    To add - what you said he's eating isn't unhealthy. It's the amount that needs to be addressed. People can still lose weight and be healthy without completely cutting out any food that they like as long as they practice moderation.
  • mclgo
    mclgo Posts: 147 Member
    I think you know the answer. The answer is you can't do anything. He's an adult, and is fully aware that he's gaining weight because he eats too much, and doesn't exercise enough. Anyone who doesn't know that would have to be in a coma.

    The best thing you could do is be a great example of healthy choices making a difference. Then when HE is ready, he'll make those choices too. But then again, he may not. Either way, it has to be his decision or nothing will work. Below is a link to my blog - I wrote this post many months ago . . .

    Stay strong
  • Jenlybean
    Jenlybean Posts: 8 Member
    I think it shows how much you care for him, good for you! If you live together, I got my family on board, because I do the shopping and only health foods are in our house now! :-) But, I'm most concerned about the smoking. Forget about the food for now, encourage him to feel better by quitting smoking! Keep me posted!
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I don't agree that you can't do anything about it. My husband comes from a family with absolutely the worst eating habits of anyone I've ever met. Lovely, sweet people, but they drive me absolutely crazy with their healthy problems and how they eat.

    I have completely changed my husbands diet since we started dating. I fix him healthy delicious foods to eat. I let him know that I was worried about his health. I let him know that if he chose to destroy his health with diet and lack of exercise that he would get little sympathy from me. Basically I played both good and bad cop. :laugh:

    He still struggles to overcome the habits and tastes he developed over the years, but he is often the one to cook a healthy dinner now.
  • QuilterInVA
    QuilterInVA Posts: 672 Member
    You can't do anything about his weight, only he can. You can also prevent him losing with with your "suggestions" etc. because he is showing you he is in charge of his diet. Lead by example by showing him how you eat and exercise. Don't talk about it.