I've still not hit maintenance, upping my calories but still loosing :/



  • veggiecanner
    veggiecanner Posts: 137 Member
    I'm having the same problem. I got a bike for my birthday (3/2) and even though I wanted to loose 10 more pounds I knew riding the bike would be a bigger calorie burner than the walking I was doing so thought it would be enough to ride the bike and still loose even if I raised my calories , I ride for 3 days about 4 miles then take 1 off is all. I've raised my calories from 1200 to 1500 and now I'm still loosing 2 1/2 pounds a week which is more than I was loosing when I only eating 1200 a week and walking 2 miles 5 days on 2 days off.
    I was weighing once a week but started weighing dayly now. I eat 4 times a day , will have to eat 5 or 6 soon. I'm leary that I'm getting into a habit of constant munching. So think it would be better to just make each normal meal larger. Never thought eating enough would ever be a problem I would ever have.

  • tamaraworrall
    tamaraworrall Posts: 166 Member
    Yeah that's the same with me about eating being a problem. You can't force yourself to eat just stick with it like I am trying to.
    We will get there,if you want to add me as a friend for support feel free :)
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    I eat 4 times a day. So two meals are like snacks, the other two are proper meals with veg. bread, fruit and protien source. Its turned out to be working. I can adjust for exersize easily by adding nut butter, which is so calorie dense its no problem about eating it even if I'm not hungy. I'm one of those people who loses hunger when combining a very low calorie diet with excersize. I just have to eat 4 times, keep the calorie intake over a certain amount and increase the cals if I excersize. Over excersizeing can be a problem. If we excersize and don't eat enough then losing muscle is certain. Which eventually impacts bone density, a real problem too.
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,943 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Tamara.

    I've lived your exact situation with at least two MFP friends so far and one who unfriended when I did not pretend that the issue didn't exist. The two who remained friends are in recovery now from the eating disorders they had developed.

    Objectively you should be able to recognize that if MFP thinks you have a TDEE of 2500 to 3000 and you are eating 500 to 1000, we are NOWHERE NEAR needing to increase "slowly" to find your maintenance territory.

    We are facing a serious mental hamster wrangling issue as you are way more than just 500 Cal away from your maintenance level of eating and yet you seem unable to contemplate eating more.

    The reality is that if you cannot make yourself rely on the external feedback provided by MFP so as to (pretty much immediately) double what you eat, just about the next best thing you can do is go see your doctor and discuss your situation with total honesty.

    You are either already are, or will very shortly find yourself, in a situation where your lack of body fat combined with your lack of food intake will generate brain chemistry changes that are going to make it even harder for you to pull out of this.

    The reason you are ONLY losing 1lb a week is not that you currently only have a 500 Cal deficit. The reason is that your body is currently shutting down everything it can to protect you as much as it can. But, this shut-down will eventually lead to additional, and serious, health problems.

    I am being very honest with you in telling you that I've seen logs like yours three times. Two of the people who have remained friends have been diagnosed with an ED at this time.

    Start eating more and exercising less NOW with the goal of bringing your MFP daily logging to a zero net deficit. If you can't do so on your own please get help now.

    Waiting till you've deteriorated will only make things harder. Please don't wait.

    Best of luck.