Looking for support and motivational friends

I'm still learning this app but I'd really like toeet new people and create a support and motivational group. I love working out but sometimes I just Dont have the motivation to get up and get going. I love it when I do so I just need the extra push sometimes. :)


  • kinichol
    kinichol Posts: 1 Member
    I'm also looking for someone to hold me accountable. Want to team up?
  • Melissa12364
    Melissa12364 Posts: 2 Member
    Same here, I asked a friend of mine to help me. I figured if we do it together I'll be motivated and want to work out more. But it's been a couple of weeks gone by, and we have forgotten all about our pact. I want to loose this weight. I need to loose it, I'm tired of feeling the way I do, and I just want to be healthy. Maybe strangers can help motivate each other because of the fact we don't really know each other? I know I sure do need the help and motivation.
  • jessimarie2
    jessimarie2 Posts: 5 Member
    Absolutely. I'm in.
  • Larrwein
    Larrwein Posts: 24 Member
    Same here!!!
  • Bec_40
    Bec_40 Posts: 21 Member
    and me! need some motivational people to get thin (and healthy) with!
  • melissacblack
    melissacblack Posts: 5 Member
    I would love a group of friends to help me stay on track. I find it very inspirational to see other peoples success. I have around 100 lbs to lose and I am 10 lbs down so far. Busy working mom with full time job who finds it hard to find time to exercise. Eating healthy is my #1 priority and if I can fit in a work out, yay for that
  • mbk1970
    mbk1970 Posts: 33 Member
    Can you add me? I am struggling with the friend adding :D
  • shaky115
    shaky115 Posts: 43 Member
    Hey All! I am in! Be sure to add me! My diary is open for suggestions as well. Thanks
  • annleg83
    annleg83 Posts: 23 Member
    Feel free to send me a friend invite (or message me and I can send you one - I know the app sometimes likes to be difficult!).
  • jasmine890
    jasmine890 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey everyone I'm in too, feel free to add me
  • ehrenlynae7
    ehrenlynae7 Posts: 63 Member
    I'm in. My diary is open and you can see what in eating
  • Bruyere1019
    Bruyere1019 Posts: 10 Member
    Add me please :)
  • TardisBlueCurls
    TardisBlueCurls Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me :) I need an accountability partner too!
  • angelwowings23
    angelwowings23 Posts: 128 Member
    Add me please! Maybe we can get a board going to touch base regularly, making sure we're all staying on track! :)
  • Jolondolox
    Jolondolox Posts: 5 Member
    Hi feel free to add me, my weights been up and down for so long I'm determined to change so I definitely need some motivation too!
  • cnchatte
    cnchatte Posts: 10 Member
    Sounds like a great group! Add me, too!!
  • danich
    danich Posts: 20 Member
    Me too!!
  • imfeelinggood
    imfeelinggood Posts: 1 Member
    Feel free to add me too guys! Would love to give and receive encouragement!
  • raj_baby
    raj_baby Posts: 1 Member
    I am new to this app and just need motivation, sometimes strangers help more than friends . Need to shred this weight :(