Pretty big losses recently, should I be worried.

i started my lifestyle change Jan. 4th after stepping on the scale and realizing I hit the 3's (320). As of today, I'm down to 270.6. After the initial burst of losses I slowed down to about 2 pounds per week. This week, I've lost 8lbs since Tuesday. I've added a bit of intensity to my workout, but by and large my routine is basically the same. I don't think my diet has changed, in fact I might be eating a little bit more.


  • Ws2016
    Ws2016 Posts: 432 Member
    So the variable that changes was your workout, ie burning more calories. Did you net calorie deficit change so much to account for the added weight loss? Maybe just let it all ride for a few weeks and see if your weight loss stabilizes.
  • dabry05
    dabry05 Posts: 14 Member
    How tall are you? Sounds like you just had a major water weight fluctuation more than anything. I'm 6'2" and I had the same scare when I started HIIT (high intensity interval training) at 275 lbs. I started losing around 12-14 lbs a month, which had me concerned. Turns out that intense exercise flushes a lot of stuff out of you, and this from what I read is fairly common. See a medical professional if you are concerned, or have any health issues that have surfaced, or if you haven't seen a doctor in a while, see a doctor. :)