100+ lbs to lose & looking for few good WL friends

I was on MFP years ago and lost almost 50 lbs in 9 months through eating better and moving more. Since then I've lost my way (and my mind) and fell back into old habits. Looking for a few motivated friends who are looking to get healthier and feel better. Need to do this for my health. I've got big plans and tired of weight standing in the way of me accomplishing my goals. 100+ lbs to lose long term, but making small goals to help keep me motivated. Started last Monday and so far so good. Seeing a change in energy level, actually getting thirsty because I'm drinking more water, and seeing movement on the scale! We can do this! Add me...I need all the healthy support I can get! Thanks and have a great day!!


  • Rockthatbodyat35
    Rockthatbodyat35 Posts: 26 Member
    Same here feel free to add me
  • access2003
    access2003 Posts: 12 Member
    Count me in!! I'm back on MFP as well. I flip flop apps here and there but this is by far the best. Spring is here, the bike and golf clubs are ready! I'm looking for about 35lbs.
  • KristineArden
    KristineArden Posts: 33 Member
    Old bad habits are easy to fall back into--especially when that's what you've done all your life. I also have 100+ to lose and don't know how I allowed my weight to get to this point . . . I also want to feel better---you hear how exercising helps you feel better / have more energy--but it is hard to do consistently when I allow daily responsibilities to get in the way. I have been on MFP since October (on and off) I like having friends to talk to about challenges or to motivate and support each other. :smiley:
  • aqila17
    aqila17 Posts: 10 Member
    I have 130 lbs to loose. please free to add me.