I need Motivation and support

In the last 2 years since my change I have put on over 2 stones and have been on so many diets and been to so many diet clubs week in week out lose weight put all back on
I don't have time to sit there for a hour
I went out for my son birthday I looked at the pictures that were taken its time to diet
March 14th 2016 here I come


  • ldw123086
    ldw123086 Posts: 34 Member
    We can do this together! Feel free to add me! You can do this!!! Don't give up!
  • annleg83
    annleg83 Posts: 23 Member
    You can do this! Feel free to add me as well if you're looking for motivational cheering :)
  • misskarne
    misskarne Posts: 1,765 Member
    The only person who can motivate you is YOU.

    I do find pictures a good motivation. Standing in front of the mirror naked helps too.