Finding time to exercise......



  • murp4069
    murp4069 Posts: 494 Member
    I used to feel the same way, that I didn't have time to make exercising a priority. What is really was though was that my schedule does not accommodate going to the gym during the week, and I'd always associated exercise with the gym.

    Now, I've made it a habit to go for a walk or run after dinner. Even on nights that I don't really feel like doing it, I tell myself to just do a mile and I can come home after that. I usually end up doing a bit more, but sometimes I do come home after a mile. My typical walk/run each night is 2.5ish miles, and I'm only gone for about 40 minutes. Getting out there is a priority every night, because once I made it a habit I found that I really enjoyed that ~30 minutes to myself away from the house.

    When the weather is bad, I've even done walking or running YouTube videos in my living room. Or, I'll jog in place while I watch TV. Pretty much anything that keeps me moving.

    Now I go to the gym for strength training and additional cardio on the weekends. I've refocused how I think about exercise away from the gym and I found that I can definitely fit in time to exercise. Figure out what works with your schedule and do it long enough to make it a habit.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    If it is a priority in your life, you will find the time. Get up earlier, stay up later, whatever you can work into your day.
    I get up very early (I am usually the first one at the gym), because I know that I will find an excuse not to do it at the end of the day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    75in2013 wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    Say you have 16 hours to find time. Let's take off 8 hours for work and 3 hours for commuting and getting ready time. That's still 5 hours to find time. Add in 2 hours for morning and dinner prep. You still have 3 hours. And even if you wanted to take an hour off to just veg out, that's still 2 hours to find time. So is it really time or lack of wanting to do it altogether?

    Please add two children to your calculation.

    I have two small boys...I still make time...when it's a priority you make the time.
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    Baby steps. Get used to doing something most days. It doesn't have to be a half hour, or an hour. Start in small increments (10, 15 or 20 minutes). There are tons of short routines on YouTube, Fitness Blender, BeFit, etc. Get used to it, let it become a "normal part" of your day. Let your family know, this is my time. Then you can expand to longer workouts. By then you will have figured out some likes, and dislikes too.

    Being active, doing something for yourself is a good example for your kids.

    A rebounder is great for jogging while watching TV. Get one with bungees (they are quiet).
  • OhMsDiva
    OhMsDiva Posts: 1,073 Member
    You'll never "find time" to do anything. What you've gotta do is figure out your priorities, and make the time accordingly for the activities you feel are important.

    I figure an hour a day adds days to my life, so in the end, I make the time to exercise daily. I will hazard most everyone on this forum is on the internet for at least 1 hour a day, and watches 2 hours a day of TV.

    I wake up an hour early in the morning to be able to get my hour workout in. If I just have to sleep in, I will make it up when I walk in the door from work before getting comfortable.