Motivation buddy? I could really use one!

My name is Stephenie.

I've been struggling with my weight for years. I've always been just a tad overweight, and completely out of shape.
My goals have always been the same, but I never stick to it. Ever.

I want to lose 30 pounds and start being more active. I have a gym membership- I would like to use it at LEAST twice a week, but ideally 4-5 times a week. I only do mild cardio because of my anxiety and heart rate, which is why I want to go so often. I only do cardio machines on low impact for about 30 minuted at a time.

I plan on walking more often and eating less meat, dairy, and sugar.
I want to have one day out of the week to have a cheat meal, and one day out of the week to have a cheat dessert. Both days, I want to go to the gym to work the cheat meals off.

I don't really have a time frame, but I would like to look good by the end of the summer. I know I can't expect to transform my body within 3 months, but I also know that if you treat your body right, you'll feel better overall, and that's what I want.

I just need some motivation. Someone with similar goals.

I'm 23 years old, 5 foot 1 and 147 pounds. I wear a size 10 in jeans. I ultimately want to be a size 3.


  • Scamd83
    Scamd83 Posts: 808 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Stephenie,

    I'm not one for internet 'friendships' so I can't help with the motivational buddy thing. But maybe I can help with some advice. If you really want to eat less meat, dairy and sugar then do that. But don't think you have to do it to achieve a healthier lifestyle. Keep the cheat meals to a moderate size, it's easy to overdo things. Don't get into the habit of feeling you have to immediately hit the gym to work something off. If you've been eating at a deficit for the week and doing a decent amount of exercise and your cheat meal isn't some gargantuan feast, you'll be fine with putting your feet up and not stressing it. Calories in versus calories out is key, the quality of what you're eating matters too, but don't fall into the trap of eating tons of 'clean food' and thinking results will magically happen. Track accurately, eat at a slight deficit, take your time, be consistent, be patient (you'll have weeks where results aren't what you hope for, it's fine) and you'll get out of this whatever it is you want. Good luck.
  • Dianeromano2014
    Dianeromano2014 Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Stephanie!

    I totally agree with Scamd83 on the meals. Eating everything in moderation is the key and listening to your body and what it needs most instead of what it wants. I struggle with this concept my whole lifestyle change too. It isn't about dieting it is about changing your lifestyle to be healthier every day.

    I have struggled with my weight most of my life too and a few years ago I decided that enough was enough and committed to change. I did really well the first year and then started sliding back into old habits. I could really use a motivation buddy too! I want to get back in control of my cravings and back on track. I am an active person anyways but I am still not trimmed down because my body is getting used to it all. I think it would be a great idea to help each other mix it up and stay motivated!!

    I am 24 years old. 5'9" and currently 230 lbs. I am in a size 14 jean at the moment and I don't know what my ideal weight really is yet. I am a horseback rider, owner, and barn worker. I am always working hard every day. I use a FitBit to help in my fitness and usually get between 15,000 to 20,000 steps a day.

    I need someone to hold me accountable and to call me out on my crappy eating, lol. What do you say?