Long Hair and Exercise

e_v_v Posts: 131 Member
Being a female is so hard at times.

I have pretty long hair--about to the middle of my back--and can't stand it during workouts. I love it too much to cut it off, and so does my husband, so that's not an option. The problem is that in a pony tail, it gets all tangled up when I do high-intensity exercise. It doesn't stay in a bun when I do most exercises (especially "Insanity" DVD's) because the bouncing and gravity just makes it fall out, and braids stick to my neck and get caught in my sweaty armpits. Just being honest. Do any females (or males, for that matter) have any hair advice for how to keep my hair off of my skin and out of my face? Pics of styles would be very helpful!


  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Ahhh, armpit ponytail. Long-hair problems :)
    I use silicone hair elastics from Scunci (not the thin crappy ones). They are basically like a regular hair elastic but made of silicone. I put my hair in a high pony with one elastic, then use another one to put it into a bun. Then I use a headband from SparklySoul (they don't fall out, even in bootcamp).
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Wouldn't braiding it prevent tangles?
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    Braids, always braids. A single braid down the back or pigtail braids on the side, but I do love my braids.

    My hair is currently around my bra strap, and I can actually tie it in one big knot for a few minutes of activity, but braids, braids braids.
  • faithsstaircase
    faithsstaircase Posts: 97 Member
    This sounds funny, but it works. I used to do It all the time when my hair was long.

    Take a sock you don't have a match for and cut off the toe, and roll it into a donut shape (or buy a hair donut). Slide it over your ponytail, spread your ponytail out over it and cinch it with a thick or silicone hair tie. It will stay in place for your whole workout and it looks cute.
  • e_v_v
    e_v_v Posts: 131 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Wouldn't braiding it prevent tangles?

    The braiding prevents tangles, but it still gets stuck in my armpits and sports bra.
  • ASKyle
    ASKyle Posts: 1,475 Member
    Make your bun more secure with bobby pins, spray or additional hair ties.

    As a former ballerina I am a pro at making a rock solid bun. Lol.
  • RespectTheKitty
    RespectTheKitty Posts: 1,667 Member
    I can never understand those women I see working out with their long hair completely down... I mean, would it get in the way and get all sweaty and gross? But then again, I don't see these women actually sweating.... maybe I'm the only one who sweats so darn much. I have to wear my hair up AND have a sweatband around my head!
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    ebrass73 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Wouldn't braiding it prevent tangles?

    The braiding prevents tangles, but it still gets stuck in my armpits and sports bra.

    Have you tried pinning up your braid? Not only will you be comfortable for your workout, but you can look like Heidi.

    I have also looped up my braids. That is, I make a braid, then bring the end up to the beginning and put an elastic around to hold it in the loop.
  • dubird
    dubird Posts: 1,849 Member
  • Shells918
    Shells918 Posts: 1,070 Member
    I put mine in a high ponytail and then clip it into place with a jaw clip kind of like this but higher and tighter.

  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    I have mid back length hair, too. And it's heavy, so a simple high pony will just slide down my head. Braids!!! I braid a high pony and do the loop trick. I have also been known to just wear a doo rag over a simple bun. It's an ugly look on me, lol, but I'm working out to work out.
  • smcrimmon84
    smcrimmon84 Posts: 135 Member
    Ahhh, armpit ponytail. Long-hair problems :)
    I use silicone hair elastics from Scunci (not the thin crappy ones). They are basically like a regular hair elastic but made of silicone. I put my hair in a high pony with one elastic, then use another one to put it into a bun. Then I use a headband from SparklySoul (they don't fall out, even in bootcamp).

    This! Silicone hair tie for pony, another for bun, and a headband! lol
  • Brithicks
    Brithicks Posts: 148 Member
    I do pigtail french braids and then loop them at the bottom. they are then only about shoulder length. If I'm doing something that will really drench me, I braid from the bottom up and tie into messy pigtail buns so no hair goes on my neck. I also use the silicone elastics so they don't slip out.
  • lkpducky
    lkpducky Posts: 16,996 Member
    edited March 2016
    Scunci makes various sizes of hair clips - my hair is just below my bra line and I twist it up, then use several clips at any place where hair is going to sneak out. I also have each clip through the head hair as well as the bun hair.

    This lasts through several miles of running.
  • CyeRyn
    CyeRyn Posts: 389 Member
    I know your pain. My hair is to my hips and I *just* cut 5 inches off a month ago. Ive been threatening to cut it off too but I just kind of deal with it. Im terrible at making buns, Ive tried. Or the bun makes it awkward when doing mat work. I might try some of the suggestions posted here. Sorry my response isnt helpful.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    A braid or a bun, or a braid in a bun! I have long straight hair and it is certainly annoying in the summer or while trying to do any type of exersize or even housework, but I love braids. I put gel in it and put it up wet so that when it dries, especially on the top of my head, I don't get frizzy flyaways and it stays looking smooth most of the day.
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    My hair is very very long. My hair is so long in fact that i have to pull it up everytime i go to the bathroom and keep it off my back in the shower otherwise it falls into my buttcrack. :dizzy: i also have to hold it out of the way when i pull my pants up or it gets caught in the waist of pants/skirts.

    Don't get me started on how i have to treat it before i sleep so that it doesn't strangle me at night....

    Anyways, part of having long hair means making these changes and sacrifices each and every day. Learning to adapt to the situations of long hair is necessary if you don't want it to drive you insane (to the point of getting a pixy cut).

    For workouts like lifting weights i always put it in a very low ponytail.

    This allows me to lay flat on my back without my hair/knot/scrunchy being in a ball on the back of my head. it also keeps my hair out of my face and that's good enough for me.

    Now if i'm doing something like jumping? I wear a baseball cap! I put my hair in a "bun" by making a low ponytail as before and halfway through on the last pull through. I have a flat, long, loop shape. Then i take it and fold it on top of my head before putting my cap on. This keeps ALL of my hair pulled into the cap with no issues.

    i personally dont recommend braids as i stated above they create a bump on your head. They also whip you, get whispy, etc.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,996 Member
    When I was in the military, I French-braided my hair and pinned the braid to my head. Every day.
  • aleencarraec
    aleencarraec Posts: 25 Member
    My hair goes down to the top of my rear. I braid it straight down the back, then loop it up and hold it with a ponytail at the base of my neck. The braid rests about 6 few inches below my shoulders, and it doesn't hurt when running. Also, doesn't damage the hair, nor does it tangle, nor does it give you a headache (unless you make your bread too tight.). I know the struggle.
  • aleencarraec
    aleencarraec Posts: 25 Member
    ebrass73 wrote: »
    jemhh wrote: »
    Wouldn't braiding it prevent tangles?

    The braiding prevents tangles, but it still gets stuck in my armpits and sports bra.

    Read what I put before this. If you loop it up once (bring bottom of braid to base of neck, place ponytail there to hold braid in loop), it wont swing into your armpits. I promise.