

After an entire year of dedicating my time to other people with projects for festivals etc... literally most of my spare time on top of my full time work and taking care of my family, I am finally getting time back to dedicate just to me.

Many years ago I was a size 4, less than 130# chock full of muscle. Fast forward to today.. I am a mom of a awesome 10 year old girl who is a black belt in TKD, and a successful technician in veterinary medicine. What I am not... is that size 4 of all muscle. I am a size 10 and 160# and 5'3 of solidness with only a minimal amount of definition.

Will I get there again? Probably not since years have gone by and children and hormones change you as you get older. What I am hoping for is building the best body I can attain with what I have now.

I am an avid Spin Cyclist and love pilates and weight training. I also love barre work by Pop Physique and P 57... so if there are fans of those exercises out there I would love to chat you up! I also love Callanetics, the pulsing exercises.

Thanks for listening and I hope to get alot of inspiration from you all.