mother of four says Hello

Hi everyone.

like everyone else here I would like to loose the weight i gained in the last few years. I have four kids, two of them twins. I had my first child when i was 18 and whats funny is that the doctors made me gain weight, they said I was too skinny (I was only 99 pounds, and im 5' 6) I did, I went up to 120 and felt great. I stared feeling too big at 130 when i hit 21. and vowed to loose the weight, I didnt. i didnt really have any motivation to, at 130 I was still ok. My self image had not yet fractured.

Then 8 years ago I had twins. at 36 weeks pregnant I had reached the amazing number of 200 pounds. then 9 months later I was pregnant again.
anyway, to finish up I am now 176 pounds. and every time i look in the mirrow I can only see the double chin! but im ready to go, to change my life, and feel better about myself. I have been trying to go out everyday, and either walk or jog. in respect to food. I am simply trying to keep away from carbs.
Except I like to have a few beers at night when the kids go to bed to relax, and now i find it really difficult to kick that habbit. I find myself rationalising it. does anyone have any advice. I could really use some.