Help/Suport/someone to vent/this is hard

Hi guys, my name is silvia and had a baby 5 months ago and have a 1 and 1/2 year old and just moved to Texas (don't know anyone :( ) I need to lose at least 50 lbs and it's hard. Don't have time off and feel good as reward when they go to sleep :(


  • azalearose
    azalearose Posts: 8 Member
    Hi Silvia,

    First of all, congrats on the new addition to the family! I understand the strain you must be under with keeping up with your little ones. The best way to do this is to start with a small goal. Say, 10 pounds. That will really boost your confidence to help you make it all the way. MFP is an AWESOME tool and there is a great community here that is very supportive. Feel free to add me and we can support each other. You CAN do this!!! :)
  • silviacvm
    silviacvm Posts: 4 Member
    I will, and thanks for reply :)
  • musicstardust67
    musicstardust67 Posts: 299 Member
    Hi Silvia welcome to my fitness pal. Also congrats on the baby and just know almost everyone here is here for the same reasons and faces the same difficulties with losing weight. Good luck ;)
  • ramironicolaslopez1
    Hi Silvia. You are already doing good things by using support and MFP. My wife went through similar struggles after our first. Don't try and do it all at once! Try a walk with the little one after dinner or put a water bottle in your diaper bag. Little successes can snowball.
  • ashkoz
    ashkoz Posts: 6 Member
    Silvia, I am a single parent to a 7 year old... And I live in New York and have no support system!! But the community here is great!! I also need to lose 50 lbs! This is a great tool to have, not only for logging meals but for the amazing people!! You are never alone here and it's a great feeling to always have someone telling you great job! This is a great start, and just remember... Everything worth having... Is worth working for!!!
  • TheLittleFangs
    TheLittleFangs Posts: 205 Member
    edited March 2016
    Hi Silva, congratulations on your family. I have many pounds to go to, 50lbs too. I have a mini goal of 20lbs as previous poster said mini goals really help