The Plan

Starting The Plan by Lyn-Genet Recitas in a few days. I've gone it before but will be doing the vegetarian option this time. Anyone else who wants some motivation please join!


  • wburrell89
    wburrell89 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I just purchased the book, and I am very interested in joining your message board. I plan to start April 1st.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It ( sounds so scammy. Why not just eat food you like in appropriate amounts?
  • KayakingPublicist
    I'm still doing The Plan because if I eat the "food I like in appropriate amounts" it still causes inflammation in my body. I teach Spinning and love whitewater kayaking so I'm super interested in keeping my inflammation levels low in my body. If you can calorie count and be healthy, good for you. Some of us just don't have the genetics to be so lucky. I am starting another 21 day process using The Plan to test my foods so if you want to join me, simply friend me. I don't check these message boards often. But I regularly will see feeds of friends.