2 months at a deficit and very slow weight loss?



  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited March 2016
    If your TDEE is 2140 and you're eating 1600 on average, then that is about 1 pound a week (540 deficit) which I believe is roughly .5 kg per week. So in theory you should have lost 4kg in 2 months and have only lost 2. This means:
    • You are eating more than you think
    • You are burning less than you think
    • Some combination of the two

    Then there is also the possibility that you are on medication or have a medical condition that influences your metabolism/aka rate of burning calories. If you improve your food logging accuracy, and continue to see slow results, then consider a checkup.

    So I've been eating at a deficit for at least two
    months now and have only lost 2kg. I have a lot to lose so that isn't the issue. My TDEE is 2140 and I eat between 1300-1700 a day, usually around 1600. I go to the gym 3 times a week too.

    I know it's not a race but I'd like a bit more coming off? My aim is around 1kg a week though I know weight loss is not linear. But you would think the first month or so I would lose a fair bit as I have quite a bit to lose?

    If I cut the calories down more to say 1400 a day, could I sustain that until I reach my ideal weight (25-30kg weight loss) and then up it to my TDEE at the new weight (will be around 1700) or does it not work like that? I'm reading conflicting views and am not sure what to think.

    Any help or advice is massively appreciated.

    Thank you