Having a bad day

All I want to do today is eat. :( I'm having a hard time fighting temptation. Technically, I have stuck to my diet, but I feel so stressed - like I'm fighting a losing battle. I've only lost 5 lbs in 13 days. Hardly seems worth the effort for such a diminished return.


  • AverageJoeFit
    AverageJoeFit Posts: 251 Member
    Stay strong. Maybe evaluate what you are eating. Maybe more protein or more carbs.

    A healthy weight loss is averaging 1 to 1.5 pounds a week. You are doing fine.
  • concordancia
    concordancia Posts: 5,320 Member
    On the one hand, even with a perfectly balanced diet of sufficient calories, we all sometimes have these days. Make sure that you are staying hydrated and allow yourself to eat up to maintenance once in awhile.

    However, 5 lbs in 13 days is quite a bit and makes me wonder if you are eating enough on a day to day basis. If you have been undereating for those 13 days, that could well explain why you feel so hungry today!

    Also, if you aren't eating a balance diet, your body will sometimes scream out for nutrients.

    Take some time to figure out what is up with your body and work with it.
  • PaytraB
    PaytraB Posts: 2,360 Member
    5 lbs in 13 days is a lot. It could be that you're hungry because you are undereating and your body needs more nutrients. A healthy weight loss is 1 lb/week; which means that you are 3 lbs ahead of schedule. That's a lot of calories to undereat. No wonder you are hungry.
    Perhaps recalculate your daily calorie allowance with a 1 lb/week weight loss goal.
  • sanfromny
    sanfromny Posts: 770 Member
    5lbs in 13 days?
    Goodness what are your stats? (height, weight, age, goals?)

    I'm questioning what you are eating like everyone else. You have to be starving! You would have to create a 1350 calorie a day deficit to reach that, please correct me someone if my math is off but 3500calories needed to burn 1pound so 5lbs =17500 so 1350 cals x 13 days =17550calories....

    Not sure of your stats or calorie allotment per day but that's my whole day of food burned away!!

    Yep, I'd be hungry. And you sound like you got this thing all wrong. Sounds like you are looking for instant gratification and that's NOT what MFP is about. You really should work on getting a handle on what realistic goals are first.

    Healthy is .5-2lbs per week loss.
  • lelaland
    lelaland Posts: 14 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I'm definitely not starving myself. I'm on a high protein, low carb diet. I eat until I'm full. I try to keep my calories between 1,500 and 1,800 per day. I have a lot to lose. I'm 5'6", 252 lbs and diabetic. I'm trying to lose weight to get off medications. Some days are okay, but today was rough. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better. No, I'm sure it will be! :)