Lifetime dieter finally making a lifestyle change

I have been overweight and dieting my entire life; or at least as long as I can remember. One fad diet or short strand of will power at a time. I've always failed, and fell harder after each failed attempt. I have just always had a love affair with food, and that desire has been stronger than my commitment to lose weight.
But recently, I began having chronic anxiety out of nowhere. It was a chemical reaction rather than an emotional one. So balancing my hormones and restoring my adrenal health become my number one priority. For once I was looking at what foods would restore my health, rather than what foods would cause me to lose weight. Of course, the foods that nourish our body the most are natural foods, and by eating those, it just pushed me into a weight loss lifestyle change. Today marks one week of no added sugars or complex carbs. I have been 3 weeks without caffeine. I had the My Fitness Pal app on my phone from months ago when a friend suggested it, so it felt right to start tracking here. Today will be Day 5 of logging. I love the self-accountability.
At this point I am aware that God allowed my health to grab my attention and make a change, because the motivation of weight loss alone was not there. For that I am thankful. Remember, God's plans are the GREATEST, even when they aren't our plans.


  • JohnK580
    JohnK580 Posts: 55 Member
    Very inspiring! Thank you for sharing your journey of fitness and faith.