Any new moms on here?

Hi I'm 22, just had my babygirl exactly 10 days ago.. I gained so much weight through out my pregnancy. (Close to 50lbs) Not sure if this falls under introduce myself or support but I figured I need motivation so why not do it under this thread. Im breastfeeding and still haven't quite figured how to log that. So moms? Help? Lol


  • FitnessGirl11mfp
    FitnessGirl11mfp Posts: 232 Member
    I'm in the same boat. It's been tricky trying to balance weightloss and breastfeeding. As far as logging bfing, you can either log as exercise under create your own exercise. Typically you burn about 500 calories if exclusively breastfeeding or I've seen mom's put bfing 60 minutes, 500 calories burned. Or you can add it as a meal bfing -500 if you're exclusively bfing. Less if you are supplimenting with formula/pumping. I have found that I am having a tough time trying to maintain my supply and continue losing weight. So far I am losing, but I'm scared my supply will drop. Add me and we can support eachother :-)
  • ritzyswish
    ritzyswish Posts: 16 Member
    I have a tip regarding exhaustion and staying awake at night. I used to eat to keep myself awake (dark chocolate digestives) and I put on 3 stone AFTER the birth. So if you need to eat to stay awake, choose fruit or yoghurt for the sugar boost, or cups of tea/glasses of water. Even slices of ham or a boiled egg would be better.

    I'm still trying to lose those bloody biscuits 2 years later :sweat_smile:
  • M_Tyler05
    M_Tyler05 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi Ladies! I just had my son 9 weeks ago. Getting back into logging and excerise. Feel free to add me & best of luck! ☺
  • amandakittell
    amandakittell Posts: 7 Member
    Hi ladies! Please feel free to add me I could use support as well. I am 26 with my second child who is 8 month old. I breastfeed and want to continue but need to lose weight. I gained about 50 pounds this time around. Advise would be great