Counting Calories = Headaches & Migraines. Help?

krm0789 Posts: 134 Member
As the title said, I've been shooting for 1500 calories a day based off a TDEE calculator which recommended 1537 for weight loss (desk job with little to no exercise right now - have been hiking on Saturdays recently but it's our busy season at work so actual gym time has not been happening). But I've had a headache every single day since starting this, and migraines on some of them. Today's plan is as follows, & most week days look something like this:

Breakfast- Smoothie (1 C unsweetened almond milk, 1 frozen banana or equivalent of frozen strawberries, 1 T peanut butter, 1/4 C oats)

Lunch - Tuna on a whole wheat sandwich thin, greek yogurt

Dinner - Veggie burger with ketchup, corn on the cob, french fries

3 snacks - Choice of cup of strawberries, cup of blueberries, yogurt, small apple sometimes with peanut butter, 100 cal bag of popcorn or 100 cal granola bar when headache starts & demands carbs

Is needing more protein part of my issue? What else might help stop these damn headaches? I have stopped eating meat for the most part & am still figuring that whole area out. FWIW, I also drink at least 60 oz of water a day, am prone to migraines anyway & take a beta blocker to prevent them, & am having a really hard time losing weight since I gained a ton last summer & ended up having my gallbladder removed in the fall.


  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Did you used to have a lot of caffeine? You could be getting withdrawal from that.

    Otherwise go and see your Dr as it could be all sorts of things(including worrying about your calorie count causing a stress headache:ohwell: )

    ETA why give up meat? Unless its for religious or ethical reasons, of course. Humans are omnivors as seen by our dentition. Also, if you cut out the fries and had boiled/baked potato instead you'd have some calories over for something else nice and filling.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    If you are low on protein getting that up certainly is a good thing whether or not it's the cause, so why not correct it?

    It's more likely one of the foods you are eating, though. Bananas are a common migraine trigger. But it could be anything. I'd think of anything you have added to your diet or are eating more than you did previously and try cutting that out to see if it helps.
  • CherylP67
    CherylP67 Posts: 772 Member
    You should talk to your doctor.

    I also suffer from migraines.

    A change in headache is warning to call your doctor.
  • IAteBethDitto
    IAteBethDitto Posts: 98 Member
    Put simply, fluctuations in blood sugar affect your hormones. Hormone fluctuations can dramatically affect migraine sufferers.

    You could try titrating your energy intake to see if there's a threshold below which your susceptibility to migraine increases. You could try the whole 'eat a snack/meal containing protein every three hours' thing and see if that helps.

    But of course the advice about talking to your doctor is a good one. Good luck with it - migraines are hell.
  • Try eating more often. That has helped me with "hunger headaches" and just feeling crappy on calorie-restricted diets. I'm also ovo-lacto vegetarian, so getting plenty of protein and healthy fats is essential.

    I personally eat like a Hobbit. Breakfast, second breakfast, elevenses, luncheon, afternoon tea, dinner. ^_^
  • I have a hard time with meat too. I find that I lose more when I eat more lean protein, but for days when I just can't stomach the idea of one more chicken breast or turkey sandwich I count on nuts. It doesn't take many and they are very easy to stuff in your purse for an emergency.
    I go for raw nuts, because I like them more and you don't have to worry as much about sodium. Almonds and hazelnuts are my favorite, but walnuts are really good too.
    Try slipping a few in with your snack (especially if you're just having fruit, as the nuts will slow the sugar down and make you feel full longer.)
    Good luck. My daughter suffers migraines and I know she'll do anything to stop them. I feel for you!
  • Melissa999999
    Melissa999999 Posts: 48 Member
    Check with a chiropractor. I use to have headaches daily until I did. I found out that the top two vertebrae were not in alignment. I have now been two weeks without a headache or migraine. :)
  • sarah3333
    sarah3333 Posts: 222 Member
    I was having lots of migraines and my doc told me to try 100 mg of 5HTP (over the counter vitamin) the migraines stopped. One of the side effects of 5HTP is decrease in appetite too. And it worked for me.
  • aimsz
    aimsz Posts: 11 Member
    You didn't mention how much water you're drinking, or if you're drinking anything else. Dehydration can cause headaches and is a very important part of a calorie restricted diet. Not saying you need to have the full 8 glasses but you should definitely shoot for that amount and if you're giving up caffeinated drinks, that could be a cause. Try to limit caffeine to 1-2 drinks a day and if you were a heavy caffeine drinker before, taper off to prevent the pain.
  • IAteBethDitto
    IAteBethDitto Posts: 98 Member
    Check with a chiropractor. I use to have headaches daily until I did. I found out that the top two vertebrae were not in alignment. I have now been two weeks without a headache or migraine. :)

    If you're thinking of letting a chiropractor touch your neck, read the following first because it is not a treatment option without risk: