Unmotivated, and i need something new!



  • jessef593
    jessef593 Posts: 2,272 Member
    Look into a calisthenics bodyweight routine. The options are almost endless. I guarentee you won't be able to do every kind of push-up and squat within a year. Invest in a door mounted pull up bar as well. $45 at walmart
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    After experiencing being in shape, but then getting out of shape, my goal is to keep in shape. Sometimes that's good enough, and even if not an exciting goal, a goal nonetheless.
  • nsa352
    nsa352 Posts: 40 Member
    Work your way through Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred.

    HasFit has a 15 min beginner routine that you could use your hand weights with.

    Go to the Nerdfitness site. It has lots of great info and an excellent beginners bodyweight routine.

    Belly dancing is great fun and good abs isolation work.
    Zumba is pretty good too ( never done it at home though)

    There are literally thousands of YouTube videos. If boredom is your problem, chose a different one for each day of the week, do them for a month or two, then switch it up.

    I have just swapped out of a set routine to Nerdfitness x2, HasFit x3, a short yoga x5, and walking daily.

    Cheers, h.

    Nah Bellydance wouldn't make anybody lose weight or tone up ( if you still have fat on top). I am a bellydancer myself. If you are just learning, it's rather slow. Once you can increase the pace, maybe.
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @Azercord I think darebee just became my new favorite. There is SO MUCH fun stuff on there. & so many challenges and programs. That's awesome!!!

    @nicolemarie999 that definitely would push me and make me challenge myself a bit more. Part of the fun of living in the middle of no where makes that difficult though. Virtual races sound cool though. Where do you find those? (I'm gonna google them in a sec :D )

    @jessef593 I will. That could be a great challenge.

    @fiddletime that is basically what I have been doing currently. It has been keeping me going even when I am feeling lazy, but I am just bored.

    @nsa352 I definitely still have fat on top! :# belly dancing could be a fun thing to learn, I don't think it would be a fitness thing for me though.

    Also-- thank you everyone!! This is a great thread of ideas! Keep 'em coming ! :kissing_heart:
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Collagevideo used to have thousands of fitness DVDs that they're reviewed and given ratings on their difficulty. I know they were doing updates to their website last time I checked. But they show clips that you can use to decide if you want to buy the DVD. Might be a fun way to mix it up at home.

  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    If you don't mind me asking... is the running or weights what bores you?

    For running (or my sad attempt at it so far lol), I love Zombies Run (although rn I'm working on Zombies5K because I've got work to do). It's really engaging, and you can use your own playlist for music. It's not free, but it's worth every single penny.

    For strength training, there's an app I've seen call Fitocracy. I don't remember it costing anything, but it's a really good resource for different strength training programs you can use. You can search their database, as well. I don't remember there being many that required special equipment, so it's worth giving a look to see if you find it helpful. :)
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @Sweet13_Princess I will check that out too. I am becoming a huge fan of workout videos.

    @Wicked_Seraph I think it is just working out in general. I don't seem to have anything to work towards and I have hit the goals I wanted to, so since I am not actually working towards something I've gotten bored. And I was running out of ideas on how to change it up (which has changed now! I have lots a huge list of ideas off this list!) I've heard good things on the Zombies Run stuff! Sounds pretty creepy!! I don't necessarily love running, but I do really like the runners high and the getting faster thing. Makes me feel strong, which is awesome.

    I think I need to find a solid goal to work towards again, cause that's what really pushes and drives me.
  • tiffanylacourse
    tiffanylacourse Posts: 2,985 Member
    Maybe a good goal/motivator would be a certain size jeans or dress?
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I love trying new workout videos. Jillian, Denise Austin, The Firm, turbo jam. See what you can find on YouTube and what your library has to offer. I borrow DVDs from my library all the time. They do ill- interlibrary loans, so I can get quite a variety.
  • anthropologizing
    anthropologizing Posts: 1 Member
    Blogilates on YouTube! It's fun and the monthly challenges give you something to work towards. Any other monthly challenges and a friend to do them with could help.
  • rsclause
    rsclause Posts: 3,103 Member
    I would look for a running buddy. Check out a running club or store. If you get two or more you may be able to get out before the sun comes up. Cost of shoes could be a problem though.
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @tiffanylacourse just got into a size 2 jeans and extra small dress & comfortably (yay NSV!!) but I don't think I need to push myself any further along that road, minus belly toning - which is more of an eating thing, I think.

    @DancingMoosie A lot of the videos that I have been doing since starting this thread have been kickboxing and turbo jam style. I should definitely look more into that program and see what they got going on ! :sweat_smile:

    @anthropologizing I have heard Blogilates mentioned before, sounded like some sort of actual type of workout (like pilates or something...) I will give them a look too! Monthly challenges sound great. I like having something new to do.

    @rsclause I would love a running buddy. Once my boyfriend gets back from the army I am making his butt get up and run with me whenever I can. I would love to get some more people to run with. Hopefully when I move (whenever that happens) I can find people who work out before the sun comes up with me like a crazy person.
    I got pretty good shoes, they'll need replacing soon I think. But sales are always a thing :wink: I got my current $80 pair for $45. :sunglasses:
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    I got all my turbo jam dvds from inter-library loans, so haven't spent any money to try them. If I find something awesome that I want to do all the time, I can always go on amazon and order my own. But why do that when I can borrow for free? Some libraries don't do that, so check it out. You might ask around, you'd be surprised how many people you know have old videos laying around and don't use them anymore.

    Personally, I like to run alone. I can set my own pace and have my own thoughts or listen to music. Once you find a pair of running shoes that work for you, buying online sales is the best IMO. I like Mizuno, and got my last 2 pairs online for less than half the msrp.
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    edited March 2016
    Go walking at lunch?

    Why'd you switch from long distance running to HIIT? If every run is hard, I can see why you'd hate it.

    Also, You Are Your Own Gym. Might be able to get a copy from the library or something, body weight training. There's probably a lot you can do without getting new equipment, especially if you haven't been doing much weight training so far.

    Join a local running group that meets up in the evenings so you can run and still be safe while running with others?

    This is what I do. You sound a lot like me: treadmill and minimal equipment at best. I do the YAYOG 3 days a week and a C25K I'm just finishing up on in a week or so.

    Also, try coming up with new goals to motivate you. Maybe it's running a sub 30-minute 5K, or doing X number of push-ups, or rocking abs by summer. I have to have a goal for my workouts, otherwise why work out if it's not to achieve something? Fitness goals are so much fun, too!
  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @DancingMoosie yeah, I don't know if the library here would... but all the video ideas gives me something to look up on youtube, which is where I found most of my workouts. It may not be an entire series, but usually there is a half hour clip or something like that which is something.

    I like running alone, but I used to play soccer and I know that I can push myself more if I put myself against other people. That's how I got fast when I was playing, cause I would just be like, "okay she's in front of you... catch up to her..." and then keep that pace until I pushed myself to beat someone else (depending on the type of workout is was tbh) I didn't even think online sales. I love my current running shoes- I bet they're cheaper online now. :smiley: that is an awesome idea.

    @brian_gunther That is me! I keep hearing the YAYOG thing, so I will look into it. I definitely do body weight training, so having a program/system would be cool.

    I am definitely trying to find a new goal right now. Right now, I am definitely lost on the goal thing. once I hit my last one (5k in 21 mins) I kinda was like... ummm now what. I don't really have the need/desire to run much farther than that (I do up to about 5 miles when doing longer distance runs in between the HIIT stuff) and I know my body well enough to know that really pushing that speed time will likely result in an injury, cause of past injuries that like to flare up. And when I hit a crazy speed goal ( In October I hit 1.5 miles in 9:30) last time it kinda tore me up for a bit between my hips and knees.
    So I am just trying to find ways to challenge myself until I find what is going to drive me.
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    Hello Tiffany,
    There have been many times in my life where I was in a similar situations as you are now. What I have done is I got creative with the little to no equipment I had. Continuing to work out and stay fit should never cost you one dime. There is a slew of info on the web and YouTube about body weight work outs. The cool thing about that is you pick the exercise you like and you compete against yourself. All you need to do is beat your last log, time, rep, etc.
    You can do ANYthing you want if you think about it.
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Just thought of something.... but if you have a video service like Netflix, I was able to find some workout videos on there. I'm also thinking that Amazon Prime or Hulu might have some too... but I never really checked there.

  • tiffanyfoundit
    tiffanyfoundit Posts: 130 Member
    @troytroy11 thank you! I'm figuring it out and trying to find new ways to push myself everyday. Sometimes you hit a wall, and you gotta keep pushing through til you figure it out again.

    @Sweet13_Princess I never even thought about Netflix! That's an amazing idea !
    I'll check that out.
  • Wicked_Seraph
    Wicked_Seraph Posts: 388 Member
    @Wicked_Seraph I think it is just working out in general. I don't seem to have anything to work towards and I have hit the goals I wanted to, so since I am not actually working towards something I've gotten bored. And I was running out of ideas on how to change it up (which has changed now! I have lots a huge list of ideas off this list!) I've heard good things on the Zombies Run stuff! Sounds pretty creepy!! I don't necessarily love running, but I do really like the runners high and the getting faster thing. Makes me feel strong, which is awesome.

    I think I need to find a solid goal to work towards again, cause that's what really pushes and drives me.

    @tiffanyfoundit Goals, imho, are immensely helpful in keeping something that might otherwise seem monotonous more interesting. If I just told myself, "I'mma start trying to run farther"... I'd never lace my shoes. I need something concrete (kinda the same way settling a specific numeric calorie goal is way more helpful than just "eat less"). Telling myself, "I want to run 5K" gives me something to work towards - and OMG, hitting new personal bests is the BEST feeling. What's nice about the Z5K is that they acknowledge, yes, this is more difficult than you've done, but dude, you can do it. There's something about already feeling like hot stuff for running 15 minutes and kicking your own *kitten*... and having your app basically confirm that yes, you are indeed kicking *kitten*. :smiley:

    For the Z5K/ZR! apps, there's also a storyline to keep your interested, and ZombiesRun has a basebuilding mechanic that sorta "gamifies" the experience, as well. In either case, it helps to give yourself something to look forward to that might not necessarily be the workout lol. You might find it helpful to prop up your phone and find something on Netflix to enjoy during your walk/jog/run. If you can't do so, maybe find an audiobook or podcast?
  • troytroy11
    troytroy11 Posts: 180 Member
    You are welcome Tiffany, and that is very well out about figuring out how to push through the wall! Sometimes you have to climb out if it, sometimes you push it over and sometimes you just have to break through it.