Finding your footing again

So I figured I would post because there are probably others that have gone through similar and are working to "find your footing again". I use to be 320 lbs then I kicked it into gear and got down to 240 lbs but I lost some of my steam and I am at 270 lbs with my eyes set on getting to 200 lbs. For me its trying to find my foot again with the exercise and eating. I use to go to the gym 4 days a week and nowadays by the time I leave work I am exhausted and only make it about one day a week. I have also found myself eating when I have a free moment to do so, which means not so healthy choices or appropriate identification of carbs, protein, and fat. I am pushing myself in hopes that something will kick in gear and I will find my footing, my rhythm once again.

Anyone else experience the same or similar?


  • OyGeeBiv
    OyGeeBiv Posts: 733 Member
    Yes. Whatever you were doing before you lost your that again. You've proven to yourself that it works, and that you can do it. Do you remember when you used to go to the gym a lot and you weren't as tired as you are now? Start going back to the gym and you'll get your stamina back. Remember what and when you used to eat, and get back to that. Don't overthink it, just get back to it. You can do it!