I'm new, and this is so hard!



  • HealthFitNow
    HealthFitNow Posts: 1,205 Member
    1 - Kudos to YOU! You started a good program.

    2 - Never fail to celebrate your successes more than your 'failures' -- YAY! You had two great days. You will have more great days. YAY!

    3 - Don't think of eating one McDs food as a failure that derails your plans for success. Listen to what Winston Churchill (whose failures were numerous) said, "Success is not final. Failure not fatal. It is the COURAGE TO CONTINUE THAT COUNTS."

    4 - You are already CONTINUING! So KUDOS on your courage! YAY!

    5. - There are TONS of good hints here. Not everything works for everyone. Give yourself a break. Find what works for you--a little trial and error is okay. Pick and choose...but track everything, so you can SEE actual documentation of what is working and what is not.

    6 - WRITE down every success. every KUDOs Everything you feel good about and create a WARM FUZZY FILE -- a file you can go back to and re read when you feel lost, down, like you failed yourself. It will boost your spirits because it takes you back to your successes!

    7- You took a courageous step and posted. Pat yourself on the back. YOU ROCK!


  • Jennacita
    Jennacita Posts: 116 Member
    Hi. Don't think of it as a diet but a lifestyle change. Don't try to change everything at once. Break it down into smaller chunks. Incorporate one healthy habit at a time. For example drink x amount of water or walk so many minutes or miles x times a week. When that becomes habitual add one or two more.

    I love egg mcmuffins. I also make a weeks worth at home to save $$. But if you want it add to your diary and make it fit your day.

    Track your normal eating habits for a week and tweak from there.

    It will get easier. Just hang in there.
  • Lynn_babcock
    Lynn_babcock Posts: 220 Member
    We don't live anywhere near McDonalds, 100 miles in either direction to the nearest one. Which is awesome.. we don't have a lot of fat people in my small town and I think that has something to do with it. Try to view it as 'not even an option'.. they closed down or something. You can make a dang good Egg McMuffin at home.. then you aren't tempted to do hashbrowns too.. and they are way more filling. Hashbrowns are another 150 calories. Honestly, their breakfast is very reasonable as far as calories go. When lunchtime rolls around though.. those things pack a calorie punch.

    I use the THomas 100 calorie english muffin, as a bonus they have a lot of fiber too. 1 whole egg and 2 egg white are going to make your sammy massive.. which makes me very happy. 1/8 cup of low fat mozzerella cheese (if you want more authentic we were using the Borden's Fat Free slices.. 30 calories a slice), and a few slices of deli ham (in the approx amount of 60 calories). Should be about 304 calories with 6-8 grams of fiber.. their muffins vary by location. McDonalds is 300, with 4 grams fiber. You can drop 53 calories by having 3 egg whites instead of one being a whole egg.

    Toast the muffin in the toaster, cook you egg on a skillet with 0-calorie spray.. salt and pepper. Throw together and love it!

    Should save some money too. I had worked up the price before and they were like $1.60 each to make at home.
  • pkdmfp
    pkdmfp Posts: 7 Member
    It is hard when you start but when you stay with it the results are amazing. I have lost 11 pounds and six more pound to go. I have tried many diets but this is the only one that I like. We eat protein bar in the morning which helps us a lot, you may want to try eating protein bar. Good luck!:happy:
  • AJinBirmingham
    Three days! Good start.
    Can I ask
    Are you using your computer or the phone app?
    If the computer try the app
    I started off "testing out" the phone app as my wife needs to count carbs but not really meaning to do any weight loss myself.
    Then the "angry birds effect" kicked in
    Nibble something, log it, weigh myself, log it the weight once that graph starts to trend down you're hooked

    "Angry Birds Effect" - best new phrase I've heard in a while.