ANT98 Posts: 137 Member
I am soo bored with my workouts! I can't find joy in them anymore-it's a routine now, not my "most exciting time of the day" kinda thing. I used to love it but now I can't find something new. I don't know if it's the years of barely any results from any workout/nutrition programs? I've barely ever had progress. My schedule is normally 2-3 days weights (lower/upper/total body) and 2-3 days cardio (hiit/cycling). I normally do the beachbody workouts but I've seen them so many times that it's boring now. I try workouts on my own, but they are all the same/ boring too. I don't know what to do.


  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How about real sports or signing up for a race or joining a tri club.....

    As to barely making progress you get back what you put into it. If it's boring and you're making a half-hearted effort you get mediocre results, if you give it 100% it pays off.
  • whmscll
    whmscll Posts: 2,254 Member
    Yeah, summer is coming, get out of the gym and do something fun outside.
  • drachfit
    drachfit Posts: 217 Member
    Progress. It sounds like you have been doing the same thing for a year. Your body adapts to that workload, and hasn't been forced to improve because you haven't challenged it.

    The fun in exercise is always progressing. Expanding your limits in a controlled way. Always increasing the weight, going for 1 more rep, running just one more mile. If you try, and fail, analyze why you did not improve (bad sleep? Poor diet? Tired from last workout?) And then try to fix it so you keep improving.