Best strategies for eating on vacation?



  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    Wow, lots of great advice! Thank you, all! I am going to do my best to make good decisions while still enjoying myself. I like the idea of ordering cautiously and saving indulgences for things I really want or can't get at home.

    The hotel we are staying at does have a full breakfast and a fridge in the room so that will help. I am not worried much about the time at my parents because my mom does Weight Watchers so I shouldn't have trouble finding stuff to eat. The biggest obstacle is the time we wil be staying with friends. I will just have to go with the flow and manage the best I can.

    Thanks again!
  • cbihatt
    cbihatt Posts: 319 Member
    Just wanted to update this. I am back from vacation and managed to lose 2 pounds while I was gone. Mostly I kept portions small, and I had one or two days where I skipped either breakfast or lunch (not both on the same day). We did quite a bit of walking and did a 3 hour bike tour one day, but I put my regular exercise routine on hold.

    I am back home now and back to my regular routine.