Running 30-35 mpw, using HRM.. Weight ?!?

Hi everyone,
I generally just use my Fitbit app to log things now, so my journals on here aren't going to show accurate info for those who check. I've been running 30-35mpw for the last month - prior to that I was boxing 4 times a week, running sprints 2x a week and lifting 2x a week with HIIT workouts... I'm training for a 1/2 marathon right now so I dropped some of the other workouts for increased mileage.

Two questions. My weight hasn't budged. I think my stomach looks flatter (especially after long run days), but the scale says nothing changed. I am eating 1500-1800 calories a day. I'm 5'2" and 110. Why can't I get these last 5 lbs to budge??? I run my fastest at 105lbs .. It's my happy weight all around.

Second question ... Fitbit charge HR... It monitors my HR and records calories burned during a run via that modality. How accurate is it? If it's accurate, I should be down like 4 lbs by now, but I'm not...

Thanks in advance ...


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    HRMs are just estimates, but also keep in mind it records total cals burned burning a period of time, some of which would be included in maintenance cals, as you would still be alive if you didn't run, so you would have to back those out (1-1.5 cals/minute, would be an estimate of what you would burn anyway)

    Also if you changed your workout you may be retaining more water to protect and repair the muscles from the change in activity.

    Do you weigh you solid food and measure liquids? If not, then you may be eating more than you think you are.

    With so little to lose you should only have a goal to lose 0.5lbs/week, too large of a deficit may lead to the loss of more lean muscle, not just fat.
  • rachel5576
    rachel5576 Posts: 429 Member
    When you find the answer let me know. Im 5'3" and 110 is my happy weight. I've tried to get to 105 and been close. Those last few pounds are so tough! I ran more miles last year than ever and gained 5-10 pounds. (ok so I know the problem was my love for wine). ;) I wouldn't worry so much about the scale if you are seeing improvements in your body. Also if you have been restricting calories for more than 12 weeks it might be time to give your body a break and eat a maintenance for a few weeks to a month before going back to a slight deficit. If you are doing a lot of long runs your body could be retaining water from swelling and inflammation. I noticed this last year when I trained for a few ultras. I did several long runs back to back and my legs were always slightly swollen so that was part of the gain.
  • sm997
    sm997 Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the replies!! I don't weigh my food but I eat mostly whole foods and generally know what the calories are in things OR I overestimate the amount if I'm uncertain. Rachel, I will be sure to let you know if I ever find the secret out!!!! The only time I've been able to get to 105 and maintain I was pre-child, and I think things have changed lol
  • RebelPatriot77
    RebelPatriot77 Posts: 29 Member
    Don't forget to account for mussels weighing more than fat. If you've only recently started this change, like in the last month, you might be gaining mussel weight equal to the fat you're loosing. Hence we you look and feel smaller but the scale shows no change. Just give it a little time
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Don't forget to account for mussels weighing more than fat. If you've only recently started this change, like in the last month, you might be gaining mussel weight equal to the fat you're loosing. Hence we you look and feel smaller but the scale shows no change. Just give it a little time

    Noticeable amount of muscle takes a lot of time to build, and is very unlikely without adequate strength training and while in a deficit.