Shoulder and elbow pain.

I used to lift weights regularly when I was kid, and am now getting back onto it. I've been lifting 3-5 days a week since the first of the year and now during and after any upper body workout that involves pushing or pressing, I get sharp, stabbing pains in my elbows and right shoulder.
I always do a cardio warm-up, then light rotator cuff movements before actually lifting my working sets.
I've looked at joint supplements, but all the real clinical research and double blind independent studies show they aren't any better then placebo.
So, any ideas?


  • toughmudderMN
    toughmudderMN Posts: 129 Member
    1). Rest it. ice it.
    2). Check your bench form.
    3). Are you balancing your push and pull days? Do you row as frequently as you bench
  • glasstacular
    glasstacular Posts: 56 Member
    Hey, thanks for the reply and vid! I'm really gonna implement the "setting up" in my routine. As for your question on pulling vs pushing, yes I really do try to stay symmetrical.