Body Fat and scales

any models out there actually accurate with what numbers they give you??


  • thisismeraw
    thisismeraw Posts: 1,264 Member
    I don't think any of the at home scales are accurate for body fat % testing. They are simply a guide however they are not accurate and I'm not aware of any models that are. I have a high end scale at home that measure body fat %.. that number changes if I stand on it differently, drink water before, etc.
  • stephenszymanski
    stephenszymanski Posts: 114 Member
    I doubt it. My scale reads about 38% BF for me... it's very wrong, lol.

    I'm 225lbs, and I workout regularly. I'm between 25%-29% in actuality.
  • timbrom
    timbrom Posts: 303 Member
    The general consensus is that, on average, the BIA (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) body fat scales are not very accurate, but do tend to be pretty precise. This means that the number they give you may not remotely be the right number, but if the number changes, then your body fat has probably changed too.

    I have a body fat scale (Omron is the manufacturer, it's the one that has a part that you hold in your hands) that, when I started, told me that I had 37% body fat. I also had my body fat measured with calipers, and by that measure I was at 29.45%. Now, the body fat scale says about 31%, and the calipers say about 22.75%. So both measures changed about the same, but the scale overestimates my body fat by around 8%.

    So, bottom line, they are usually pretty good for measuring changes, as long as you make sure to measure under the same conditions each time (same hydration status, etc, first thing after going to the bathroom in the morning is pretty good). But individual variances from person to person prevent the BIA method of body fat analysis from being super accurate for a large percentage of the population.
  • MercenaryNoetic26
    MercenaryNoetic26 Posts: 2,747 Member
    I hope mine is wrong, too. I'm reading at 24-25% no matter how much more muscular I get. My weight doesn't change (I don't care), but I thought the bodyfat would change w/body recomp. Scales suck. I do have some calipers and though not the best method, they're going to be more accurate if done correctly.
  • mgs68pony
    mgs68pony Posts: 306 Member
    I do not trust the body fat on my scales, too many factors that cause it to be so different. I starting using the navy body fat calculator I found online. I take measurements every few weeks and use them to calculate my fat percentages.
  • Runhard13
    Runhard13 Posts: 138 Member
    I mean i KNOW its going to be off..most of the scales..gadgets ..etc are going to be..just amatter of how much..if variables are removed then it should provide at least a basis for monitoring improvement moving forward...need to find out more about the tape measure method too since i cant really afford one of those body displacemnt tanks lol
  • rjd9266
    rjd9266 Posts: 15
    At least you can get them to work...I've decided the calluses on my feet must be too thick because I spent extra money on a bf% scale (as a progress tool, not assuming it would be very accurate) and it gives me an error EVERY SINGLE TIME! It works fine for my boyfried. >.>
  • IronAngel26pt2
    IronAngel26pt2 Posts: 129 Member
    I mean i KNOW its going to be off..most of the scales..gadgets ..etc are going to be..just amatter of how much..if variables are removed then it should provide at least a basis for monitoring improvement moving forward...need to find out more about the tape measure method too since i cant really afford one of those body displacemnt tanks lol

    $99 HoMedics Bed Bath and Beyond. Just got one...numbers are consistent and match the numbers I was given when tested by a professional. Also by just eyeballing myself in the mirror I would agree with the numbers as well. For my personal needs this scale works perfectly.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,579 Member
    Hydration changes the reading on Bioelectrical Impedance units. The faster the "signal" can be read then the lesser the body fat percentage is assumed. However drinking more water can increase the speed of how that "signal" is read giving off an inaccurate reading.

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