Exersises for Firbo/CFS please help!

Unfortunately I suffer from severe Fibro and CFS, this makes going to the gym absolutely impossible, I have to be really careful over exerting myself as it will send me into a flare which can leave me bedridden. I'm kind of stuck in a catch 22. Exercise is supposed to help alleviate my symptoms but the pain and fatigue can be so severe it's not something I can do regularly so sadly classes or gym is out of the question for now as I have days where showering means I have to sleep afterwards.
Any ideas or tips on gentle exercise to help strengthen my broken body?


  • pootle1972
    pootle1972 Posts: 579 Member
    A trip to your doctor and a session or two with a qualified physio. With serious conditions what works for some may seriously harm others.
  • gentlygently
    gentlygently Posts: 752 Member
    Hi. I have CFS.

    I took a graded Excercise approach at th suggestion of my doctor. (Look at the stuff from eg Kings College hospital in th UK). Eg if you can walk for 10 minutes or do 10 laps in a pool or whatever without causing a flare do this for 2 weeks, then add 10% ie now walk for 11 minutes /swim 11 laps for 2 weeks, then up another 10% etc ec. And if you have a flare - find your level again.

    It worked for me. I can swim 1k most times, and up to 1.5k when feeling good. My fitter body means I have more chance of getting better and staying positive.

    Just this month I have made a goal of at the very least 30 mins of walking - even when unwell... !! At some stage in the day I can manage 10 mins, eve if slowly, just need another 2 that day... This has made my latest relapse not feel so bad. So far so good. And today I was out on my bike....

    So - gentle stuff like walking, and even swimming (I used to rest when I got to the pool! And I know what yiu mean about wanting a rest after a shower!). And take a gentle, graded approach.

    No 'couch to 5k' challenges for us guys!

    Hope this helps. Walking is one of the best excercised out there anyway.