Doctor says Cholesterol is too high-310, Yikes !



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    Dietary fat will typically raise cholesterol so if you're interested in lowering it, reduce your fat intake - cheese, eggs, fatty meats, oils, butter etc. My total was as high as 287 and after reducing fat intake to 10%, it's now down to 168. LDL went from 203 to 108.

    Please provide your source for this information. I know many people who follow a High Fat diet and don't have issues with cholesterol, myself included.
    I'm going to guess your intake of carbs is low?

    It is, yes. For medical reasons I cannot consume wheat/wheat products, so my intake is lower just from that. I am currently attempting VLC at the advice of my GI doctor to help reverse the effects of my NAFLD. Last year in May I was experimenting with my diet because of some health issues (hadn't yet rec'vd my Dx) and eating moderate to low carbs and moderate to high fat, my cholesterol levels were perfect.

    But, I'm not sitting here spouting medical advice like @nutritionK I simply know what works for me and have read many new, modern studies that back this information up.

    Traditionally tests were performed on mice (generally vegetarian) and rabbits (purely vegetarian) so of course their cholesterol levels would be affected by adding fats, it's not natural! Many more studies have been conducted in recent years using real people as subjects and the studies speak for themselves, lowering carb intake can have a dramatic effect on cholesterol.

    yes for me lowering carbs(not low carb) helped my cholesterol tremendously. I developed cholesterol when I was thin so for me the losing weight was not an option.I was already at a healthy weight at the time. when I started gaining it went down some but it would go up and down like a roller coaster. its up again which means I need to lower carbs again but its so hard. so for those who will say losing weight can help,thats not always the big picture. some health issues can cause high cholesterol,some meds, and so on.
  • WholeFoods4Lyfe
    WholeFoods4Lyfe Posts: 1,518 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    aggelikik wrote: »
    nutritionK wrote: »
    Diet plays a very important roll when it comes to lowering your cholesterol levels an so does exercise regularly at least 30-45 min per day and drinking at least 1.5 lt of water daily.
    To lower your cholesterol you need to make some changes in you diet, you need to add high-fiber foods: whole grains, oatmeal, pears, apples, prunes, beans. Try 2 tbsp in a glass of water before breakfast; Add omega-3 to your diet, you can find it in canola oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna, flaxseed. Olive oil, Avocado, Almonds, peanuts and walnuts can be very helpful too. can be a very helpful tool for you it can help you track your foods, nutrients, water, calories and exercise that way you can be sure you are doing the right thing. They also have certified nutritionists who can help you achieve you goals.

    This advice is so antiquated. Where are you getting your information???

    May I ask why you believe there is something weird about this advice? It is the current recommendation of the American Heart Association:
    and my guess is they are far more qualified to give guidelines on the topic than anyone else?
    Also the same advice can be found in several other official sites with health guidelines:

    That advice is based on out of date and inaccurate medical studies. Prior tests have been done on animals like mice and rabbits who have a naturally vegetarian diet, more recent clinical studies have been done on actual people. I'm not saying it can't work, but making blanket statements like this is the only way it can work isn't beneficial to anyone.

    This is a study stating that when losing weight with a low carb diet, you improve your health, so low carb diets are safe and should not be feared. You are linking a 6 year old study. I am guessing the average cardiologist can google as successfully as the average MFP member. If the advice in the medical site was outdated, I think some dr would have noticed ;)

    You would think but things in the medical community do not happen that quickly. Yes, I googled that link because I thought that WebMD would be a recognizable source for most, there is plenty of other information out there if you want to do some light reading, which clearly my own personal MD has read because he 100% supports low carb high fat diets in the face of high cholesterol.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    nutritionK wrote: »
    Diet plays a very important roll when it comes to lowering your cholesterol levels an so does exercise regularly at least 30-45 min per day and drinking at least 1.5 lt of water daily.
    To lower your cholesterol you need to make some changes in you diet, you need to add high-fiber foods: whole grains, oatmeal, pears, apples, prunes, beans. Try 2 tbsp in a glass of water before breakfast; Add omega-3 to your diet, you can find it in canola oil, salmon, mackerel, tuna, flaxseed. Olive oil, Avocado, Almonds, peanuts and walnuts can be very helpful too.
    [Edited by MFP Mods]

    This advice is so antiquated. Where are you getting your information???

    I don't think it is. While there are items on that list I personally wouldn't consume to avoid inflamation (grains & canola oil), many of these foods have been shown to improve good cholesterol numbers. Other than grains (assuming they're consumed as refined and in high amounts), nothing on that list is going to make it worse.

  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    Here's a good resource with a vastly different view on cholesterol (tons of references included).

    Believe what you like - it is your health - but not everyone agrees that cholesterol is a problem.
  • KarlynKeto
    KarlynKeto Posts: 323 Member
    dewd2 wrote: »
    Here's a good resource with a vastly different view on cholesterol (tons of references included).

    Believe what you like - it is your health - but not everyone agrees that cholesterol is a problem.

    Now wouldn't that be the biggest irony. While the world continues to debate what makes cholesterol go up and down, the real answer is that none of it even matters. :smiley:

    I have read similar reports, including how low cholesterol in our elder population can be quite dangerous. (I wish I could find it, but I can't right now). But through all of these studies two things seem to always to float to the top these days.

    1) Science really has no clue the role cholesterol - and its thousands of subsets - contribute to CVD.

    2) Ancel Keyes was an idiot - albeit a lucky idiot who got rich and famous. (But then again, the world did take an Oceanographer's word that cholesterol was bad, even though he had no proof, so who was the real idiot? Keyes didn't have any medical training. He proposed a hypothesis - not any facts - from taking 7 out of 22 countries he studied and tried to draw some meaning out it. Of course, he had to drop 15 countries from the study to make his point, but the world did drink it all up.)
  • veggiecanner
    veggiecanner Posts: 137 Member
    I had high cholesteral and it caused me to have a stroke, so I would cooperate with your dr. Loose weight, Go on a low cholesteral diet. get your blood pressure down. Its not worth it to find out if your smarter than your dr. My site was wrecked, my right side has a terrible pins and needle sensation, often it doesn't work very well. my face is often numb. And I can't talk very well. It's not worth the risk to find out if chances that you might not be effected The plaque built up in you veins will hurt you or not.