Easy lunches please!

emilyhaines89 Posts: 5 Member
That take nooo time at all and can be cooked in bulk and can grab n go all week. Any ideas? Super short on time but need something other than pasta!


  • deannc1
    deannc1 Posts: 91 Member
    Tuna stuffed avocado.
    1 med avocado
    1/2 cup chopped cilantro
    1 can tuna in oil drained
    1/2 diced red bell pepper
    1/2 small yellow onion
    Juice of one fresh lime
    Salt, pepper, garlic powder or whatever spices float your boat.
    Scoop out center of avocado leaving just a bit around the inner shell and mash. Add other ingredients and mix. Return to avocado shell and voila!
    454 delicious calories.
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    I always just grab a bento box and fill it with salad, carrots, and grilled chicken. Put dressing in ziploc bag. Then cut up and mix everything together during my lunch break. Greek yogurt to finish me off.

    Super quick, easy, and filling
  • Rick_Nelson81
    Rick_Nelson81 Posts: 205 Member
    Cook in bulk and ready to go at a moment's notice, and not pasta... Here we go.
    Quinoa or rice, cook like fried rice with chopped veggies (carrots, onion and celery). Cover with 2x the volume of water (or low-sodium broth) and simmer for 20 min. Meanwhile, in a pan cook up some chicken breast, ground beef or turkey, or steak, or even fish, though most kids might not like fish. Chop up the cooked meat and throw it in with the quinoa/rice or store it separately for other uses (chicken salad, fajitas, soups, whatever). Both rice and quinoa (and it's meat counterparts) can be readily frozen in portions (I prefer wrapping up 1 or 1/2 cup servings with saran wrap while watching TV, this is how we prep foods in the restaurants I've worked at in the past). Throw 'em in the microwave in the morning to defrost, takes 3-4 min depending on the mass, and throw it into some meal containers for the kids. You can change the overall flavors pretty easily (Add hot sauce for a Mexican twist, add soy sauce for an Asian twist or BBQ sauce for...you get the idea). You might even be able to hide some chopped-up kale or other greens and the kids will never know, just tell 'em it's parsley or something.
  • rbfdac
    rbfdac Posts: 1,057 Member
    I cook quinoa up in a huge batch and then divide it into portions and put in the fridge in zip loc baggies. Literally, it takes 15 minutes to make, I do it at night before bed. I also will cook up some tofu and season some beans (I'm a vegetarian, but you can do this with any protein!) and divide into zip loc bags, pre measured. The easiest part- I nuke a bag of frozen veggies (I like the birdseye pre-flavored kind) and also separate into baggies. The next morning I will grab a serving of quinoa, a protein, a veggie, then some yogurt, a couple of cuties, some string cheese, and maybe a chocolate and head out the door.

    If I'm out of all my pre-measured stuff, I will measure out my supper leftovers and have those ready to go for the next day. You can also buy rice pre-portioned at the store- takes 5 minutes or so to cook in the microwave.
  • Btheodore138
    Btheodore138 Posts: 182 Member
    1 whole medium avocado + one cup garbanzo beans + lemon juice/salt/pepper. Mash it all together and serve on wheat tortilla or toast. So filling and easy!