Shorties with 20 lbs to lose or less.



  • xcaranicolex
    xcaranicolex Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 5'1ish and started at 157 now 132-135. I just did calorie counting and some cardio. I started doing some strength training near the end but the majority was lost w diet trying to get to 125 and it's much much slower now. So it'll come but it takes time for sure. Feel free to add me. I'm also using fitbit so if you want to add me there msg me for my info. :smile:
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I'm 5'4". Highest recorded weight was 178. I started MFP at 163, got down to my lowest at 128, purposely bulked back to where I am today-about 142. I will probably cut back down to 135 or 130.

    I literally just started my deficit again like...5 hours ago. So far so good lol. Thank you Diet Dr. Pepper.
  • britebloomz
    britebloomz Posts: 18 Member
    You can do this!!
    I'm 4'11", hypothyroid, and 48 years old. I started on MFP at almost 137 lbs and this morning I'm 117. It's taken me almost a year and I'm still not done because I want to lean out more but it's ok because I started this knowing I was making a lifestyle change and not a temporary change.
    I eat what I want but try to make choices that will give me the most satiety for the 1200 net calorie allowance I have. I go over usually. I have cheat days once a week, sometimes more but I log everything. Everything. I don't usually prepare the food I'm eating so I look for the entries that have the most calories. I don't drive myself or the people around me crazy questioning what or how much of this and that went into a dish. I drive them crazy enough when they see me food logging.
    I don't work out more than 4 times a week. It used to be 3x a week and no longer than 30-40 minutes but my new program recommends 4x and unfortunately about an hour long from warmup to cool down. Since August, I switched from doing various Jillian Michaels dvds to bodyweight training at home and practically no cardio. I would lift if I coulld bring myself to join a gym or have the space at home to have the equipment but for now bodyweight training has done wonders for my figure. Strength training will make you look smaller than your actual weight and help you burn more calories to help you get to your goal.

    CICO works. I use a fitbit One to track my daily activity and log on MFP all my food and my intentional bodyweight training only. I eat back all my exercise calories but I only log in half of my time spent since others say that MFP gives overly generous calorie expenditures on activities. My fitbit is synced to MFP. I don't log dancing, pushing a vacuum, yardwork, etc.

    As for hunger, eating large volumes of veggies with your meals and snacks helps as does eating more protein and fats. For some people, drinking lots more water also helps.

    Good luck and believe you can do this for yourself!
  • eweiss79
    eweiss79 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'2" and started at 147lbs. In October I started boot camp 3 days a week and I get cardio (walking or running) 6 days a week. My current weight is 125 and my goal weight is 115. I eat cleanish but I haven't cut out foods. If I really really want something I'll indulge in a small portion and I absolutely have a cheat meal once a week. This week I had a double cheeseburger and fries and it was delish! Sometimes the cheat meal will give you a boost in the loss. I'm set at 1200 a day and sometimes I eat more and I eat some of my exercise calories back. It's not a fast process but that's ok, you'll get there!
  • Aleash44
    Aleash44 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi I am also 5' it can be so discouraging I started at 148.8 and am only down to 142.7 in a little over a month, been working out 3 to 5 days a week and eating healthy. Last time I lost weight I didn't work out at all and it seemed to come off faster, just stick with it!! We are building muscle and healthy bodies :smiley:
  • 1971MLJ
    1971MLJ Posts: 137 Member
    I'm 5'3 and went from 155lb to 125lb doing it in almost exactly the same way as you are doing it. I didn't do cheat meals, just did moderation in everything, still ate chocolate, cake, crisps etc. when I fancied them but not all in the same day and not every day. Consistency is your friend, just make sure you have more nutrient dense foods than 'junk'. (I don't actually believe in good and bad food).
    I did gradually put about 4lbs back on once I started maintenance but have maintained at this weight for 2 years now.
    Keep at it and don't get discouraged, once you make it a habit it should stick. Good luck. :)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Trinique34 wrote: »
    Thanks everyone for their comments.
    My trainer allows a cheat meal once a week, yesterday I had one and tried my hardest to make smart choices. I still logged everything and was around 2000 cals for the day, without including my workout with her.

    Did you guys have a "cheat" meal once a week? I think this will be my last one because I didn't feel too right mentally after eating it.

    I don't do cheat meals, nor do I think of any food as being off limits. I have my calorie goal and I stick to it. I have ice cream and candy and I do not feel any guilt about it.
  • MichaelaSenft
    MichaelaSenft Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 5'3 and I was 168, and now I'm down to 136. I have gotten down to 124 in the past, and that was with a high fiber diet. Lean protein, high fiber (lots of salad and veggies), fruits, and HEALTHY fats. Do not go above 1200 calories per day. At 5'3 if you're sedentary you burn a net of around 1450 calories at my weight. So a diet higher than 1200 calories will make for very slow progress. Just make highly nutritional choices. It's tough, I'm doing it... But the results are so worth it! You can do it(: Also, if you're gaining a lot of muscle from the trainer, don't be discouraged by slow weight loss. The scale will mean nothing if you're very strong. Look at inches lost!
  • marylovesnini
    marylovesnini Posts: 41 Member
    I'm 5 feet and I'm around 135 I was at my heaviest when I was pregnant 165 then after baby ended up at 145. Started this year at 139.5 . I get so discouraged sometimes because I don't have much time to exercise and whenever I don't eat within 3 hours I get super hungry and eat like there's no tomorrow. So I try to always have a healthy snack with me wherever I go. My goal is to get to 120 so I have exactly 15 pounds to lose and I will see after that
  • wtbstuffs
    wtbstuffs Posts: 3 Member
    Hi! Also a shortie - 5'0". I'm hoping to lose approximately 15 lbs. I'm just getting started on MFP.
  • Agibelle
    Agibelle Posts: 6 Member
    I'm 4'11 and looking to loose 10-15 lbs.