Tired of being overweight!

Hello! I'm Dela, and I am trying hard to lose weight. About 4 years ago I lost over 50 pounds, but this year I have put 36 of it back on. I am a mother of 6, and I live in Kentucky.


  • Jose2716
    Jose2716 Posts: 225 Member
    Look at the good side you were able to get back on the horse before you gain it all back. Since you were able to do once you know you can do it again. It won't be easy but now that you can do it. Add me if you want a buddy to help each other stay on track. Good Luck
  • delaprado72
    delaprado72 Posts: 2 Member
    Thanks for the kind words!
  • karimarie90
    karimarie90 Posts: 26 Member
    I did something very similar- lost 50 lbs and gained about 20 of it back. So mad at myself! Good luck, we're all here for you! You can do it.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    Same story. I lost 70, gained almost all of it back over about 10 years. I was so disgusted with myself. I joined MFP almost 4 years ago and lost 30. If it wasn't for MFP I would have never discovered weight lifting and I'm now leaner and in better shape than I've ever been. You'll do great. Just remain stubborn and determined and remember that if you fall down you just get right back up and do it again.