Endometriosis/hormone/weight problems NEED HELP

I have had Endometriosis my entire life. In Dec 2012 I had my 3rd surgery for it...this last 2yrs have been the worst & hardest of my life. I had 2 periods a month for a year & all of my skin started burning to the point I wanted to peel it off, I felt like a crazy person due to the hormones that my body was producing, I felt tired and in pain all the time...my entire body hurt and I had numbness in my legs. I put on 25lbs initially then the Dr. put me on birth control so I would only have one period per month, my skin stopped burning immediately and I felt better but I started gaining even more weight, I gained another 35lbs putting me at 194lbs and my breasts grew to a size 36F, I had my 3rd surgery for the Endometriosis in Dec 2012. I feel better but I stopped taking the birth control pill 2months ago to try to lose weight. I have lost only 7.5lbs in 2 months...though I have been really consistent with dieting and working out for 3 weeks. The weight isn't coming off...my boobs went down to a 36DD from a 36F. I was a model all of my life up until 2yrs ago when this started again but this time everything about me changed dramatically...I don't even look like the same person from 2yrs ago. I need to come up with some solutions as to what to do to make the weight come off and faster...I also need a different solution to keep the endometriosis at bay and retard the growth of it because I don't want to have to deal with it again...my body can't take it. I can't take the birth control pill, for the reasons I have stated. Lupron isn't an option as it is too expensive and it makes you have temporary menopause and cuts off hormone production but I feel like we as women need the hormones because they help us to stay and look young. I need information about "Aromatase Inhibitors" & "Endometrial Ablation" as far as are either a good option for me and what the cost is. I also need a solution to lose this weight FAST and to keep it off. I have literally never been overweight or had trouble losing weight in my life...HELP!!!! I don't even recognize myself anymore...does anyone have any advice for me?