Annoying Landlord



  • DashDeV
    DashDeV Posts: 545 Member
    My landlord is a d!ck. I've told him off twice. He's scared of me so stays away, I see him only once a year.

    ETA: Funny story.. he is East Indian. A couple of months ago he came by to renew the lease.. I went to move his shoes and he yelled at me not to. I stopped and asked why. He said because it's his belief that if someone touches his shoes he owes them a favor. So I picked them up and put them in a closet and told him "well I don't want anyone tripping on them".

    Now I own him.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    as for the flooding issue.... that's what renter's insurance is for. the landlord is not responsible for your nintendo as much as it sucks.

    the rest of it makes me glad I have a cool landlord. yikes.
  • alexisdc
    alexisdc Posts: 117 Member
    I just say this situation on one of those Judge/court shows. The tenanats were actually sueing for there total deposit of $600 adn actuall got rewarded double($1200). The won because the landlord didn't provide them an itemized list of why they were keeping the deposit. Apparently in that state (I think it was NY) landlords must give an itemized explaination of why they are keeping the damages. I am not sure what state your in but you may want to look up the laws. They are suppose to provide it to you within 30 days from the date your lease ends. Sounds like they occupied you apt before that; that could be be something you could counter sue ( I would at least research and try). Good luck
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    This is why people need to understand their lease and their rights.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Take them to Small Claims Court. I did that several years ago when a landlord tried to keep a security deposit and charge us for a bunch of stuff that they're not allowed to charge for. I was the only tenant in there suing a landlord - it was the other way around in every other case. I got a judgment for my entire security deposit :)

    And get renters insurance for your next place.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    In most states it is illegal for the landlord to enter your premises without prior notification of up to 2 days unless deamed an emergency. Maybe you can use that as leverage but I would look up your local tenant laws and go into the conversation armed with whatever knowledge you can find.
    ^^^THIS^^^ exactly. Some landlords don't even know the laws. Whenever I have rented, I always go through the place with the Landlord *and* a camera with a date stamp on it, before signing any lease. I make copies of the before photos and give them to the landlord, then I keep a set for myself along with a copy of the signed lease.

    At the end of the lease, I again walk through the aprtment or condo with the landlord and take "after" pictures. So far, I have received every penny of my deposit back except for one instance where my dog scratched at the wall and we had to have a contractor come in and fix the drywall. $50 was taken but the rest of my deposit was returned.

    I know this doesn't help you now, but for future?

    Also - Renter's Insurance. That will cover costs of any items in your apartment or condo or townhouse that are destroyed or's cheap. Do it.

    good idea
  • BattleTaxi
    BattleTaxi Posts: 752 Member
    This is why people need to understand their lease and their rights.


    Also, I never assume I will get back my security deposit. I also take very detailed and extensive before/after photos when moving in. Typically, I do always get my deposit back, though. And when looking for a place, I make sure to get to know the landlord first. Nothing is worse than a great place to live in with a terrible landlord. I'd rather live in a dump with a great landlord!
  • 1tenant
    1tenant Posts: 4 Member
    Here's something that just happened today. I went in the bathroom to take a shower and they turned off the hot water while I was in there, the water was hot for like two minutes and then it was cold. No one was in there before me so the water should have been hot. They had done this in the past, turning off the hot water while I was in there, but I complained about it very loudly and they stopped. Is there a place where I can turn them in? I mean we pay rent and they turn off the hot water when we're in the shower? Also, we are not the only tenants here, there are two girls that they are allowing to live here for free.
  • 1tenant
    1tenant Posts: 4 Member
    The "stalker" struck again this morning. I was in one of the "common" areas at my usual time and he walked in. (There are two doors a door that we use to enter and exit and a door at the other end of the room that "they" use to enter and exit.) So I was in there doing my thing and he walked in, luckily I was right near the door so I just walked out. From my vantage point I could see what he was doing in there and he just entered the room, walked across the the floor, turned around and exited the room. The whole episode gives me a very uneasy feeling, I find it disturbingly predatory.
  • 1tenant
    1tenant Posts: 4 Member
    I was just informed that the landlord is putting a lock on the door that would give us access to the washer and dryer. What can I do about this? We pay rent and part of what we're paying for is access to the washer and dryer.
  • some_betty
    some_betty Posts: 322 Member
    Is it possible to have bot forum members who post random non-sense ever so often?