how to use exercise calories

hi all, needing a bit of advice.......
my job means i am on my feet walking about for between 5 and 9 hrs a day 5 days a week so i have my activity level set on the medium setting this started me off on 1240 calories, but with weight lost now gives me 1200 calories, this seems fine as i have steadily lost 1-2lb a week, recently i have started walking and cycling and this week have added a NHS body blitz session (25mins abs)this means on average i am given 300 - 600 additional exercise calories, how much of these should I use, up until last week i was not using any but have found that the day following longer exercise sessions that i feel hungry and sometimes light headed, i have been advised by a friend to eat 10-20% of the additional calories but i have read that others are eating more, i don't want to undo the exercise by eating too many additional calories so any info would be appreciated.


  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    If you are using the MFP way it is recommended to eat 50%-75% back since MFP overestimates calorie burns
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    Walking would suggest body weight (lbs) x distance (miles) x 0.3 - check to see if that comes close to MFP estimates. May well do so.

    Cycling - the MFP medium pace ranges aren't too far off for me but depends on type of bike, terrain etc.
    You could use a free app on your phone like Strava. Not particularly accurate but unless you are doing big mileages it doesn't have to be,

    The class I would just call "aerobics" . Again accuracy not really that important as long as you don't go mad with your estimate.

    Your friend who suggested 10 - 20% when you are feeling hungry and lightheaded may not be your friend! (Joking - sort of...)

    In the end the answer to your how many exercise calories to eat question is the number that gives you a sensible calorie deficit (measured by weight loss over extended period of time).
    No idea if your 1 to 2lbs recent rate of weight loss is actually an appropriate goal for you of course.

  • clawmum
    clawmum Posts: 13 Member
    hi sijomial,
    i use endomondo, to track all my walking and cycling so i get fairly accurate distances and calories, this is linked to my MFP, so adds automatically. Have been following MFP for 8 weeks have had a couple of weeks when i have stayed the same but have lost 17lbs overall. I just simply want to know if I should eat any of the additional calories gained by exercise or stick to my 1200.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,809 Member
    edited March 2016
    I don't know your stats and how much you have to lose but 17lbs in eight weeks is fast. Could be too fast.
    Fast weight loss may or may not be appropriate let alone sustainable.

    You could have eaten 500 cals a day more and still lost 8lbs as an example.

    There are two main and sensible ways to account for exercise expenditure - TDEE method which gives you an average or the MFP way of estimating and eating them on the day. Both end up at the same point.
    Ignoring them seems really silly to me, they are part of your body's needs.

    Personally I would be a danger to others eating that low! Fuel your exercise properly if you want to get maximum benefits from it.