walking/running app for beginners?

Hi can anyone recommend an app please? I cannot run, the most i could run was for 1 minute and that was about 2 years ago i've since had a baby and put on ALOT of weight blah blah
I would love to run but i just cannot!!!! I have a Samsung Galaxy s2 android phone.

Thank you!


  • Joreanasaurous
    Joreanasaurous Posts: 1,384 Member
    C25K is a great walking to running program that I think a lot of us on here, myself included, have benefited from. It alternates between walking and running until you are able to run 30 minutes straight over a coarse of 9 weeks.
  • Maree_
    Maree_ Posts: 65
    thank you i will have a look
  • jakkisr
    jakkisr Posts: 175 Member
    i used Runtastic (free app) on my samsung S2 - I've now got a Samsung S4 and it has a free Samsung Health app installed which includes a pedometer which is really accurate - much better than Runtastic as it doesn't need GPS switched on so your battery lasts longer (maybe you can download it in the Play Store for the S2?)
  • Bigmitch41
    Bigmitch41 Posts: 73 Member
    Endomondo is also a free app, I prefared this to runkeeper, they sinc with your fitness pal too so its all good! :)
  • epiazza7
    epiazza7 Posts: 6
    I like Running Club for iPhone, it lets you walk with other people around the country, good social app to keep you motivated!
  • coppertop_4
    coppertop_4 Posts: 258 Member
    LOLO Treadmill is a great one! She reminds you to keep good posture and isn't annoying! Similar to the C25K app, but if you want to switch it up, you just tap the graph up and she says "Well ok, let's go then!"
    I used it OUTSIDE only and not on the treadmill.
  • bamapeggy
    bamapeggy Posts: 10 Member
    map my walk is a good one.
  • Nishi2013
    Nishi2013 Posts: 210 Member
    Map my run
  • I like RunDouble which has Droid apps. Start with C25K and when you finish, they have a bunch of other apps that you will love!
  • BrawlerBella
    BrawlerBella Posts: 400 Member
    Zombies, Run! app
  • DanOhh
    DanOhh Posts: 1,806 Member
    Zombies, Run!, 5k Training App
  • RunnerElizabeth
    RunnerElizabeth Posts: 1,091 Member
    So I haven't tried the c25k version, but I like the zombies, run! ap. I've been using the regular version to add some faster intervals to my running, but the 5k one has a structured 8 week run walk program that will get you to running 5k. It plays your own music in between the storyline. It's fun and takes your mind away from the exertion a little bit.
  • jsimler1
    jsimler1 Posts: 168 Member
    bump for ideas
  • Zombies, Run!

    It is a fun game where you run around and it will track you via GPS. Each time you go out running you will collect supplies and are able to play the game for a bit so you can defend your base against the zombies. It also sounds like zombies are chasing you as you run. I think it is meant to get you up to 5k in 8 weeks.
  • i used the C25K app and last week ran a 5k race for life in 30min 30sec!
  • moneil25
    moneil25 Posts: 311 Member
    I use Map my Walk.......I love it....tracks your walk by GPS and keeps track of time and distance and will give you split times. I also have a Fitbit Zip that tracks my steps. I only sync my Fitbit to MFP and that provides me with extra calories for exercise. If you sync both Map My Walk and Fitbit you get double credit. So if you don't have a fitbit you don't have to worry about that and just sync Map My Walk
  • CelebriKEY
    CelebriKEY Posts: 6 Member