Getting adequate calories...

I've reached my weight goal (lost 20 pounds, woo! Thank you, exercise). When I was losing weight, I was also cutting back on calorie intake. I was probably having about 1,300-1,400 a day, and I felt fine with what I was eating. Now that I want to maintain my weight, I need to eat more, about 1,800-1,900 I think I calculated. However, I'm finding it extremely difficult to get that many. I think because I've been so used to a lower number, my body still finds it alright to stay in the lower range. Any tips on how to eat more? I try to eat more healthy snacks between meals, but then at the actual meal time I'm still kind of full from my snack. And if my low calorie intake continues along with what seems to be my inability to consume more, I feel like I'm going to continue to lose weight, which I don't particularly want. Because I also exercise frequently, my accidental low caloric intake might become dangerous. At least, I'm getting worried it will become a problem..... :/


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,336 Member
    edited March 2016
    I find that I have to ease into calorie-intake changes. That's why this site encourages a very small deficit when you don't have much weight to lose, so that the transition is seamless.

    I have just a few pounds to lose and I have my daily deficit set at 250 calories below my TDEE, so when I reach goal I won't be adding a lot of food to my intake.

    Why don't you try adding back up to around 1500 for a couple weeks. That would only be a spoonful of peanut butter or a couple slices of cheese or a few cookies extra. Then add back that other 150 calories. It's better for you and easier.

  • JaneKnoll1
    JaneKnoll1 Posts: 406 Member
    I am T2D and now trying to maintain as well. My dietician told me to eat an ounce of almonds every day...that is around 24 almonds. I eat 8 with each meal and they are good for stabilizing blood sugar. There is 169 calories in the ounce of almonds..good fat, fiber and not too many carbs. At first I found them bland and boring but after eating them for the last couple of months now I love them. Hope that helps!
  • briscogun
    briscogun Posts: 1,135 Member
    I went through what you described above; I hit maintenance and had trouble transitioning to more calories. I'm now down 10 pounds past what I thought my goal weight should've been, but I seemed to have stabilized now.

    I've been adding more full-flavored options, like mayo, cheese, butter, etc. Also adding and extra snack here or there, like a small apple or a snack/protein bar. Adds in a 100 here or 200 there, and seems to be working.

    Just let yourself eat more... Options. You worked hard to get to maintenance mode, now enjoy it!