Weight loss over 50, Crohn's and the food/health connection

lorrisolomon Posts: 2 Member
edited November 2024 in Motivation and Support
Last year, I lost almost 50 pounds due to an epic, unexpected, up until then diagnosed Crohn's disease. Three weeks in the hospital, lots of nutritional support, and I came out with a whole new connection between food and my personal health. Once I healed a bit, I began to regain the weight, and with the help of dieticians, here is what I learned to do, if I want to get to and keep a normal weight, and give myself the best nutritional support should I have another episode that results in my being unable to eat for a period of time.

1. Weight loss like this is temporary. If I do not change my eating habits, it's coming right back on.
2. It is really hard to get all the fruit and veggies in according to the food guide AND be hungry.
3. At the time of my episode, I became malnourished (I am still 50pounds overweight) due to potassium depletion, and my inability to process food. What that taught me is the direct food to health connection. Getting all of my nutrition directly into my arm meant 100% uptake, and once I felt what it felt like to have my nutritional needs met, I no longer want the sluggish brain I had before. No kidding. If you knew how good good nutrition feels, you would be far more motivated to nutritionally feed.
4. Drinking my calories means I get a lot more calories than I need so I don't do that, unless I am in a flare and cannot eat.
5. I quit eating junk candy (I still eat the occasional piece of really good chocolate). I quit eating it when I couldn't digest more than an ounce at a time and my focus was on getting nutrition in. Once i healed, I couldn't stand the sweetness of it.
6. I've dumped most refined sugars, mostly because once I stopped eating it, I don't like it the same way. Where I still use it (baking) I don't eat a lot of it.
7. I adore unpasteurized milk and have a big cold glass every day.
8. I walk every day, little walks or big walks, it is an everyday thing.
My health situation was a wake up call equivalent to a punch in the face. Crohn's disease isn't caused by what you eat, and it isn't cured ever. But it can be managed. My best life is possible when I eat healthy, more around, and follow the food guide. Is there anyone else here who has experience with Crohn's disease and weight loss or gain?


  • Sarc_Warrior
    Sarc_Warrior Posts: 430 Member
    Good to see you make progress. Did u happen to send me a message the other day? The app was acting up
  • Pathmonkey
    Pathmonkey Posts: 108 Member
    Ulcerative Colitis here....a Paleo lifestyle has basically cleared it (crossing fingers) Great to see you've cut sugars. If you cut wheat and grains out (or to a tiny bit only) you'll get even better results. My acid reflux also seems to be a thing of the past as well. Toss the food guide... it's so wrong. Feel free to message me if you want more info and best of luck for a healthier future, feeling well. :)
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