Eat the following foods to lose weight

So Ive been on MFP since 3/2010. I have lost a total of 17 pounds. I only have ten more pounds left to go, til I weigh what I did in high school. When I first started I was doing pilates about 3 times a week at home, then I switched to power walking about 3 times per week. It is just too HOTT outside now to walk so I havent really been excercising. I am still losing weight though. I think my body is just use to eating the foods that I am eating now. I am Italian so I love pasta, bread and cheese. Those are my down falls, oh and also sweets. So I am going to tell you what Ive been eating which tastes good and is filling and keeps me losing weight every week. IT may only be .5 pounds per week but I am steadily losing. I have not gained back a pound since I started. I am not a dieter, have never been. I just want my body to be how it was before kids, slimmer. So here it is... Eat these foods and you will lose weight, just give it a try!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kashi Crunchy bars - 3 flavors (chocolate and peanut, chocolate and caramel, and chocolate and almond) You can get them at sams club very cheap. I work everyday so this is what I eat on the run. It will really fill you up.

On the weekend I either eat the Kashi bar or a 100 calorie english muffin with land o lakes butter with olive oil on it.

ROMAINE LETTUCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I eat tons of it.
I make lettuce rolls by filling the romaine with lots of yummy things, one of my favorite ones is:
3 lettuce leaves filled with pulled chicken (from rotisserie) feta cheese with basil and tomato and classico sun dried tomato pesto. Absolutely delicious!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 Only about 95 calories for each roll.
Romaine lettuce with the feta from above and the chicken from above and kraft light asian toasted sesaem dressing(only 4o calories per 2 tbls) and very good.
100 calorie english muffin with turkey and cheese with grey poupon
Granola bars
Dannon light and fit yogurt
I eat only the above things during the week, and mostly on the weekend however atleast one meal on the weekend I eat whatever I want.

I eat tons of it.
Grilled chicken, pork chops, steak, turkey sausage
Very little or no carbs.
With the protein I eat alot of asparagus, corn and broccoli.
NO BREAD!!!!!!!!!!!! NO PASTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You will be full and not hungry an hour later
also a salad of course

Honeycomb cereal (sounds weird but it is very low in calori)
Dannon light and fit yogurt (only 80 calories)
Granola bars (I eat tons of them)
Kashi crunchy bars
Kellogs fruit crisps
Beef jerky

I stick to this regimen of food changing things a little when I get bored. But I stick to it. No sneaking.... No M&M's, no chips here and there, no ice cream. Just stick to it, it will work it did for me. I get compliments all day long about how great I look. And it doesnt seem like Im dieting I have just altered my eating habits. My body really responds to these foods, I hope it will work for you. I ahve also found that those frozen meals just dont do your body good. So stay away from them, fresh is best!!!!!!!! Please let me know if you try any of my advice Id love to see if it works for anyone else. Good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh one more thing, drink only water, nothing else. I also drink coffee in the morning but the rest of the day I only drink water,water,water...................


  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I'm glad you've found something that works for you!
    However, what works for one may not (will not) work for all.

    Some of the food you have listed is pretty much nutritionless. :frown: Generally, there are much healthier alternatives to 100 calorie packs. Also, Dannon Light & Fit --have you read the ingredients on that stuff!? I ate it until I did and I haven't touched it since. Holy cow! Greek yogurt has a few more calories but, man, the nutrition packed into those calories is pretty awesome!

    Of course romaine lettuce is fine to eat, but again, it's a low calorie food with very little nutritional value (relatively). I personally rarely eat any lettuce at all and when I do need a leafy green filler I almost always go for spinach (but this is a personal preference thing). :tongue: I guess what I'm saying here is that I don't consider lettuce a veggie serving. Cucumbers fit into the same category. It's fine to eat 'em, they're just not really doing much for your body (and that's fine!). If I have limited tummy space available, I like to go for more nutritional veggies like broccoli, brussel sprouts, and asparagus (which I know you mentioned!).

    Also, there is really nothing wrong with consuming bread or pasta in the evening hours. It certainly hasn't hindered my weight loss. I use whatever pasta I can find with the most nutrition (it's usually whole wheat or whole grain -- I'm looking for highest fiber & protein) and go for a reasonable portion (2oz dry) of it. I admit I don't eat a lot of bread but when I do, again, I search for whole grains and the highest fiber & protein content. One of my favorite things for dinner is potatoes -- sweet, russet, and/or red. I eat them all and I often eat them late at night. They're not the devil. :wink:

    I agree with the protein, protein, protein comment. But not just for dinner -- for every meal and snack. And ESPECIALLY for breakfast!

    I'm replying here because I feel like so many people are under the impression that low calorie automatically equals healthy and that is simply not the case. Pack in as much nutrition as possible while still enjoying an occasional indulgence seems to be a much more healthy and sustainable approach for most people. I eat ice cream and chips and pizza and chocolate and cookies and... yeah. It's all about portion size.

    I know for me in the past, a diet full of "low calorie" foods and deprivation resulted in COMPLETE failure (I lost 40 pounds... but then I hit a plateau & gave up and gained 60!). My nutrition + moderation approach as worked very well and I don't even consider myself to be "on a diet" or "trying to lose weight" at this point. My approach has been both successful and sustainable and I hope you find that yours is as well.

    Again, everyone is different. Congratulations on your success!
  • dcturcotte
    dcturcotte Posts: 59
    Glad to hear you've both found your niche. My biggest problem was my portions were out of control i would eat 3 times a day normally fairly healthy and eat WAY to much.
    Now I eat every 2-3 hours and the amount of food I consume is drastically reduced. I try to get some protein in at every meal (not snacks) but I'm trying to maintain my muscle mass and drop some fat, so far i've lost 20lbs in the last 3 months which was actually more then I aimed for whoops!
  • susiewusie
    susiewusie Posts: 432 Member
    My portions were also huge ,the right kind of food but just far to much of it ,love that I have found this site :smile:
  • clipsychic
    Loving the pointers! Thanks!!!