Is anyone else having trouble getting off the BABYWEIGHT???

I had baby #2 about 14 months ago and not only have I not lost any of the50pds I gained, I managed to gain 25 more!!! I've struggled with my weight my whole life but about 10 years ago I joined WeightWatchers and lost 40pds the first time and then 60 PDS a little later on, I also did taebo about 5 times a week. But now that I have 2 small kids, a job and school I have put my fitness on the back burner. After a weigh in at the doctors today where I weighed the same as I did at 9 months pregnant I knew it was time to get serious. My fiance is great and I know he loves me no matter what but I was 80pds thinner when we first got together! That's not okay with me because when I look in the mirror I don't even see the real me anymore. So let me know if you can relate. We can change our bodies and our lives one day at a time!


  • Kelis0331
    Kelis0331 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey mama!
    I can relate. I too have struggled with weight my whole life. I have a 7 month old and it's been a huge struggle to get my body back. My best advice is to do your best with eating well and try to fit a walk into your daily routine.
  • montgomerydebra
    montgomerydebra Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I'm there with you I have three little ones age 5 age 2 and a 9 month old. So I know what you are going through. I just started taebo and YouTube videos at home because that is all I can squeeze in. I am 205 and hoping to get to at least 170 by the end of the summer. I'm about ten days in with consistent logging and working out and each day us frustrating as you want to see results instantly well at least I do. So I'm definitely feeling you and encouraging you one day at a time we can do it babies and all.