Vegetable probzz

Hi everyone. My name is Brianna and I have been dieting for the past 2 weeks now. When I started I weighted 230lbs, I am now down to 218lbs. I have completely changed my diet and started to count my calories. But theres only one problem, I am a picky eatter and I am getting super tired of the same foods over and over again. I want to spice things up, but still not go over calories, fat, or sodium content and it still taste great. However I do not eat any red meat such as hamburgers, steak, or any type of beef. I enjoy half a grilled chicken breast occassionally, and I am addicted to steamed vegetables in broth like califlower, brocolli, carrotts, zucchini, and red potatos here and there. I get the low sodium broth but that still is high in calories and I do not enjoy my vegetables raw or steamed in water. What else could I use as an alternative to the broth to make me enjoy the vegetables I am eating? Anyone is welcome to message me or add me as a friend. I am always up to trying new things as long as they do not contain red meat and they are healthy. Let me know !


  • Alesia007
    Alesia007 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi! So I totally get your problem~ I was a SUPER picky eater growing up (and to most peoples standards, I still am) but I'm finding that the reason I was so picky was that I didn't know how I liked things cooked, if that makes sense.

    One of my favorite ways to prep veggies is by roasting them. I prefer doing this with broccoli and carrots most of the time but it also works really well with brussel sprouts and asparagus. All you have to do is take the veggies, toss in about a tablespoon of olive oil (or less, you just want enough to coat) and then toss some salt, red pepper flakes and/or seasonings of choice, and roast on a pan in the oven at 375 degrees for about 20 mins. I think I have veggies prepped like this at least once if not twice a day, it's SUPER yummy and so easy to do.

    A fun way to add veggies that I just discovered is cauliflower "rice." It's just steamed cauliflower that's been chopped up to the consistency of rice (I use a food processor) and top it with a home made chicken stir fry.

    I hope this helps!
  • subakwa
    subakwa Posts: 347 Member
    I use lots of veg in Tom Yam soup. Being a water based soup it is very filling without the calories, and so tasty. it makes a great change, takes about 10 minutes to make and you can cram those veg in there.
  • MommyL2015
    MommyL2015 Posts: 1,411 Member
    How is broth high in calories? Try bullion cubes instead. Those are very low calorie if they even have any at all. I've never checked.
  • StealthHealth
    StealthHealth Posts: 2,417 Member
    This thread contains a lot of good ideas and some recipes.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,423 Member
    edited March 2016
    Try roasting or grilling vegetables.
    Try doing a stir fry.
    Try making zoodles.
    Do combinations of vegetables instead of a single vegetable. Green beans and tomatoes, potatoes and peas. Sweet potato and brussel sprouts, broccoli and mushrooms with garlic
    Herbs and spices add flavor but not many calories. Grilled lemon pepper zucchini for example.
    Have your vegetables and chicken in a soup or stew.
    Look for vegetable recipes on pinterest. Dish Recipes nav&referringId=81&referringContentType=recipe hub&linkName=hub nav daughter&clickId=hub nav 2
  • BoxerBrawler
    BoxerBrawler Posts: 2,032 Member
    What kind of broth are you using that is high in calories? I get low sodium vegetable broth at 15 calories in one cup.

    I eat a lot of raw veggies and like to make layered dishes. For example: Start with a bed of spinach or other leafy green, add some raw veggies (zucchini, tomato, etc., add a portabella mushroom cap, more greens, more veggies, maybe spread in a little hummus somewhere, top with some tabouleh... Things like that. I try not to go over five or six ingredients. The simpler the food/meal, the easier it is for you body to digest.
  • lml852014
    lml852014 Posts: 243 Member
    I struggle with eating veggies too :/ i hardly ever eat them its bad!!