Clean, fresh, RAW Challenge for JULY!!!



  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Rmc - your starting to wander!! Come back and remember that the companies do not care about your health - they want to make money. And because you will spend money to have health they are targeting you with anything you will buy.

    As far as the Noni, we have noni trees in the yard & I think they are disgusting. I would never eat them. They smell like trash. This juice along with dried goji berries, acai, & a bunch of other “super foods” are not optimal. You can’t get them in their natural unaltered state and if you do they are not something you want to eat. Eat local, fresh, and stuff you are attracted to. Look at the noni wiki page. Noni is compared to an orange. There are no super foods because when we break it down there are just nutrients & these can be found in all fruits & veggies so how can one be so special?

    You can make bars like that yourself for much cheaper!! Plus once the nuts have been ground & sitting around the fat in them goes rancid very quickly. This is definitely better than cooked food & better than animal products if you haven’t planned & need something but you can make these for much cheaper. Here is a recipe I like:

    Sailady!! Oh noes!! Glad your back….I was wondering when we would see you pop back up. That sounds like a ton of work! Stay strong today & get back on track - you deserve it!!!!

    Ummbinat, it helps to have everything there but I think I will just be taking an average…the numbers part of it ended up being extremely hard to figure out. Do I take the % raw of calories or mass of foods - formulas to figure that out & my brain exploded. The vote will weigh heavily on who wins.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Ok well I was asking because we just started a new committee at work to help implement wellness at work. Better things to put in the vending machines (food and drinks) I said a fresh fruit basket. and others said bottled juice and vitiman water and the normal stuff in the vending machine. they said that they have put healthier option in it but I don't see it. So I am just trying to find things that I might be able to get them to put in

    Personally I don't get anything from work. I bring in fresh fruits and veggies and I am good. Just trying to get stuff at work better for everyone else there who does not eat like me.

    So don't worry I am not straying away?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Oh ok :D that stuff would be expensive though & "regular" people probably wouldn't pay that much. How about clif bars - they are cheaper & still have a healthier "feel", trail mix packs, dreid raisin boxes...its kinda hard because it needs to be packaged & able to stay on the shelf without refrigeration and this usually equals unhealthy preservatives or processing. Any bottled juice is going to be pastureized so eveyrthing goes out the door there.

    You could make those bars I previously posted, put them in bags & print up little labels for them with the ingredients & nutrition & sell them yourself!! Start a fruity slush fund!
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Ummbinat, I missed your question about mucus & raw. Since fasting & following the LFRV lifestyle there have been a couple times when I've gotten mucus-y. I drank alcohol about a month & a half after my first fast & mucus was among the list of death like feelings I was experiencing. Also frozen bananas usually make me mucusy...I guess its my body reacting to the change in the banana from being frozen. As with anything the further away from the natural ripe state an item gets the less desirable it is for you body. This is why its best to leave your fruit & veggies as close to their whole form until as close to when your ready to eat it. Like chopping up a salad one day and eating it the next - undesirable. Grinding nuts for whatever reason but not using them for a couple days. As soon as a fruit/veggie is picked it begins to degrade. So since I haven't had anything other than fruits, veggies, nuts since my last fast I'm thinking it was the nuts.....or also the frozen bananas. A good read is Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet. I know before I did my fast & went raw I would wake up all the time with a stuffy nose & barely being able to breathe....not the case anymore!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Ummbinat, I missed your question about mucus & raw. Since fasting & following the LFRV lifestyle there have been a couple times when I've gotten mucus-y. I drank alcohol about a month & a half after my first fast & mucus was among the list of death like feelings I was experiencing. Also frozen bananas usually make me mucusy...I guess its my body reacting to the change in the banana from being frozen. As with anything the further away from the natural ripe state an item gets the less desirable it is for you body. This is why its best to leave your fruit & veggies as close to their whole form until as close to when your ready to eat it. Like chopping up a salad one day and eating it the next - undesirable. Grinding nuts for whatever reason but not using them for a couple days. As soon as a fruit/veggie is picked it begins to degrade. So since I haven't had anything other than fruits, veggies, nuts since my last fast I'm thinking it was the nuts.....or also the frozen bananas. A good read is Arnold Ehret's Mucusless Diet. I know before I did my fast & went raw I would wake up all the time with a stuffy nose & barely being able to breathe....not the case anymore!!

    I get the mucus-y and bla feeling from the AC. I dont use it at home but I have no choice at work. So I feel kinda bla while at work but am great when I leave
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Hey there RMC - a/c does suck....I try to keep the windows open but now with this puppy I feel bad having her in this heat. My husband is an a/c pampered baby as well.

    So I'm reading through 80/10/10 again before my husband gets home. Who hasn't read it yet? Even if the proportions or raw foods don't interest you it is still a great book to read for info on how disease take hold of us, cooked foods, toxins & many more topics (in the process he will win you over to the 811 proportions & rv :) ). Butterfly said she was reading it, MoreVeggies has a copy, I'm sure Naoko has....what about the rest of you?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Bahaha!! New ebook out called Fruit Can Heal of the chapters is called Eating for Death!!!!! thought that was really funny. The following chapter is called Eating for Life so it all evens out :D
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I wish I could read it. I'd never heard of it. I wonder where I can get it offline..
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Yeah its just an might be able to email Vibrance magazine & they might be able to get you a print copy. Do libraries carry ebooks now a days? Something to check into. I'm sure it has great info but everything is probably covered in 80/10/10 as well. Vibrance magazine supports the lfrv/fruitarian lifestyle. Are you signing up for the August veggie swap Ummbinat? I'm working on tons of LFRV recipes!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Yeah its just an might be able to email Vibrance magazine & they might be able to get you a print copy. Do libraries carry ebooks now a days? Something to check into. I'm sure it has great info but everything is probably covered in 80/10/10 as well. Vibrance magazine supports the lfrv/fruitarian lifestyle. Are you signing up for the August veggie swap Ummbinat? I'm working on tons of LFRV recipes!!

    I have not been able to get my hands on one yet, every book store i have been to does not have it. ughhhhhhhhh I would really like to get a copy.

    I am eating my wonderful quinoa salad, i love it. organic veggies (all from the garden, a couple things from farmers market) hot pepper, yellowish pepper, cucumber, g. pepper, with fresh chives, fennel, purple basil & rosemary from the yard. then I added raw sesame & sunflower seeds. I drizzle just a little olive oil over top. I sometimes add avocado when I have it
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Have you tried the library...if they don't have it they can usually get books in for you. Sprouting some quinoa for my husband tonight...will probably be making a salad just like yours!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319

    Check this out. Someone has a question about if one could eat too many bananas, people give answers. What I loved was bananaMan's reply.

    I think I will call the lib right now to see if they may have it. good call on that. How was the salad?
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Yeah its just an might be able to email Vibrance magazine & they might be able to get you a print copy. Do libraries carry ebooks now a days? Something to check into. I'm sure it has great info but everything is probably covered in 80/10/10 as well. Vibrance magazine supports the lfrv/fruitarian lifestyle. Are you signing up for the August veggie swap Ummbinat? I'm working on tons of LFRV recipes!!

    Will do :)
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    I feel I've been neglecting this thread,but I have been reading 80/10/10 and I got to the end! WOOHOO
    But I feel like reading it again,to clarify things,its a lot of facts to absorb all at once. :)
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    I feel I've been neglecting this thread,but I have been reading 80/10/10 and I got to the end! WOOHOO
    But I feel like reading it again,to clarify things,its a lot of facts to absorb all at once. :)

    I have not been able to get m hands on it yet.
  • Naokoheart
    Naokoheart Posts: 161
    That and The China Study are great reads! :)
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    I checked with my lib. and they don't have 80-10-10 in the system at all. :(
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Sorry I've been gone a couple husband finally came home for a couple weeks! So today is the last day!!! Hope you all had an amazingly raw month & learned quite a bit throughout the process. I was so glad to have each one of you along and its always nice knowing your not alone.

    So please VOTE on who you think was the most commited, helpful, & deserving for the month and should win the goodie bag or book. To be eligible to win you must vote!! All votes should be sent in a message to me by Tuesday at 9pmEST and I will announce the winner shortly after that!! Good luck!!

    (I think I got everyon...please let me know if I missed someone!)
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    I did miss gnme4243 - realized after I went back through.

    At the end of last month I posted the youtube channel of Mike Arnstein - amazing frutarian runner....he has a new channel & its glorious!! here's one of his most recent videos...

    I know there was a bit of interest on him so I thought I would share....going to post this out in the main forum & see what happens :D