Anyone out there with Fatty Liver Disease??



  • asugar7979
    asugar7979 Posts: 15 Member
    Can I please have some friends from this group? I just got diagnosed with non alcoholic fatty liver too which is odd since I'm only slightly above my Healthy BMI.
  • 62apples
    62apples Posts: 132 Member
    fatty liver remedies that work.
    first: you get rid of fatty liver with tamarind. you can buy it fresh in Asian and Latino stores. It is a sweet-sour fruit that comes in pods. If you cannot get fresh then you can get it in jars as a fruit paste. Eat two or more every breakfast. second: take milk thistle. gaia brand is probably the best as it is a liquid in a capsule. third: stop eating junk food and fast food.
    I get my remedies from
  • Interbeing
    Interbeing Posts: 33 Member
    I was diagnosed in august 2015 with cirrhosis and pre diabetes. My fatty liver had progressed to cirrhosis because I didnt take it seriously. I work in the medical field and have seen first hand what cirrhosis and diabetes can do to a person....I was terrified. Finally took it seriously and changed everything over night. A little over a year out I have gone from 272 to 183, size 24 to 14, A1c of 5.9 to a normal 5.4 and my liver enzymes are all within normal range. I havent had a beer or wine in a year, cut out all red meats, fats and sugars and have gone to mostly a vegitarian diet. I now have energy everyday and try to fit in some type of excersise every day. I am happier and I feel like Im finally living my life. No sitting in front of the tv mindlessly munching on garbage. You can reverse the damage to your liver. To some degree the liver will regenerate if you treat it with care. It is a lifestyle change for sure, but what is the alternative? Liver transplant or death. Up to now I had always thought....I cant do this....its not in me....its too hard, so believe me when I say...if I can do this, anyone can. I am not ready to go quietly into the night yet and I am gonna fight for my life. I wish everyone here the strength to fight and end it now, while its only fatty liver, and know that its within your grasp to be healthy again. Add me if you need some moral support. Im still 30 lbs from goal so I can use some too.

    I can attest to what Paulina has said, I was diagnosed with Fatty Liver Disease in 1998, with my liver enzymes through the roof. My physician hooked my up with a dietitian to help me with my diet, and we jointly determined that vegan would be the best way to go. On a vegan diet I lost almost 100 lbs, turned my liver issues around to the point of normal liver function and felt 100% better. 19 years later I am still within a normal BMI, ride my bicycle over 5,000 miles a year, and have absolutely no liver issues. While I changed my diet from vegan after 6 years, I still continue to eat a fairly healthy and balanced diet and exercise regularly. Good luck to all, and please feel free to friend me if you would like to communicate!
  • danielisbored
    danielisbored Posts: 4 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. I spent most of my teen/twenties with a doctor that thought I was a closet alcoholic because of my liver enzymes. I changed doctors, he diagnosed me with fatty liver disease, and gave me the whole diet and exercise speel. In the last two years I've lost 80 pounds, and while my numbers are still above average, he loves the progress I've made. Unlike the rest here, I was the one recommending this site to him:)
  • 62apples
    62apples Posts: 132 Member
    I just gave a food remedy for fatty liver and nobody said, "Oh wow. How easy."

    tamarind can make your liver 10 years younger.
    milk thistle can regenerate even the worse liver.
    I am not a doctor but I have been getting good results.
    (thank you to

    Also, do not eat coconut oil unless you also take zinc supplements.
    How do researchers give rats fatty liver: make them zinc deficient and force feed coconut oil.
  • sydneyplainjane
    sydneyplainjane Posts: 140 Member
    edited July 2017
    I learned something interesting when I went to donate blood a few months ago. They said you should avoid strenuous exercise or working with heavy weights a few days before donating. The reason is because your overworked muscles release certain enzymes into your blood stream and that can cause elevated levels of ALT, AST, and other enzymes - which could cause the Red Cross to reject your donation.

    So, if that's the case for donating blood, the same would probably be true if you're having a regular blood test. Here's more info:
    Many doctors, even gastroenterologists or internists, don’t know that intense exercise can cause highly pathological liver function/disease lab tests, and they often refer a perfectly healthy person who happens to be exercising – whose lifestyle history has not been taken – to a liver disease specialist.

    Just something to consider for the next time you need to have blood work done - avoid strenuous exercise at least 24 hours in advance (or longer, if you're still dealing with sore muscles) and drink lots of fluids to get your enzyme levels back to normal.

    Edited to add: Obviously, this does not apply to everyone with elevated enzyme levels. But, definitely something to think about if you exercise a lot and are otherwise pretty healthy.