Returning Member; Need NEW friends

I have left and overindulged for about a year now due to a pregnancy. I am back and ready to tackle this health issue. Deleted all friends previously and looking to start over.

I am great at responding to comments and messages. Add me!!


  • naturalfitness80
    naturalfitness80 Posts: 10 Member
    I am returning back also! We can do this!
  • mrsmartinez99
    mrsmartinez99 Posts: 1,255 Member
    I am returning back also! We can do this!

    AWESOME!!! Welcome back as well!! We can most certainly do step at a time!
  • kaetra
    kaetra Posts: 442 Member
    Me too ! Add me please
  • notreallychris
    notreallychris Posts: 501 Member
    Everyone can add me as well!
  • sunflowerhippi
    sunflowerhippi Posts: 1,099 Member
    I have a little girl who will be 6 months on Sunday. I was on here since 2012 but took time off while pregnant. Feel free to send over an add. :smiley:
  • mrsmartinez99
    mrsmartinez99 Posts: 1,255 Member
    Friend requests sent or accepted!! I am so excited. My smallest turned 3 months this past Sunday. I am ready to do this!
  • Babygirl928
    Babygirl928 Posts: 378 Member
    I have been here a while but just had my day 1 yesterday yet again. I am not a fan of the like button and need interactive people. If that's you, I will help motivate and support you as well. add me :)
  • amyncle
    amyncle Posts: 8 Member
    Feel free to add me! I just posted a similar post- have a 15 month old and working to lose 20 pounds to get back to pre baby. It's been tough but we got this!
  • OllieRose126
    OllieRose126 Posts: 19 Member
    I've always been a lurker here however now I am ready to get started on this journey and take back my health!
  • mrsmartinez99
    mrsmartinez99 Posts: 1,255 Member
    Friend requests sent! We got this, taking steps in the right direction.
  • metalglo
    metalglo Posts: 14 Member
    Hey you guys!!! I have restarted again and made a new account and I am serious this time about tracking all my food!! Please feel free to add this 20 year old girl so we can motivate each other! :)

    Little info about me:
    - pilates lover
    - metal music lover
    - pescatarian
    - from the netherlands (so a lot of the foods will be in dutch haha)
    - aiming for a toned belly before the summer!!
  • chupajen
    chupajen Posts: 33 Member
    Same story, different lady here. Re-joined back in January. Any of you ladies can feel free to add me.
  • Dee51979
    Dee51979 Posts: 38 Member
    Please feel free to add me!
  • Katy2Survivor
    Katy2Survivor Posts: 111 Member
    I recommend my self for add too ... First time here :smile: Will be nice to have friends with same goals :smile:
  • tosha250
    tosha250 Posts: 8 Member
    Today is my first day back since January but I just found out that I have high blood pressure and I need some motivation to get to the gym and make better food choices.
  • BamaRunningGirl
    BamaRunningGirl Posts: 70 Member
    You can do this!! Always looking for friends.
  • marji1974
    marji1974 Posts: 59 Member
    Please feel free to add me.
  • RicardoMelenciano
    RicardoMelenciano Posts: 24 Member
    Everyone can add me. Let's motivate each other
  • treehopper1987
    treehopper1987 Posts: 505 Member
    Feel free to add me, I am too battling weight gain from pregnancy beginning 2 years ago.