Some people refer to their body as a temple..mine is a bouncy castle



  • BrendaRey74
    BrendaRey74 Posts: 31 Member
    Too funny and too true! It's taken me three years to drop 120lbs, still have ~60lbs more to lose.

    My absolute minimum is to log my food everyday, even if I ate a ton, and weigh in every week, even if I know I'm up. Some days are better than others but OVERALL the goals are followed and the trend for weight is always down.

    Could I do it faster? Probably but I like food I like to be happy. I'm not gonna do anything I can't do for the rest of my life. Give up real cream cheese frosted cupcakes? Um, not gonna happen. Give up eating them everyday? That I can do. Live on 1200cal/day? Not gonna happen. Not scarf down 3000cal everyday? Doable.

    And this took me so long to figure out - snaccidents (love that!) happen, don't completely lose your mind and you will STILL succeed.
  • jackie_van_d
    jackie_van_d Posts: 240 Member
    Love your post.
    I have a bit less to loose but I'm with you about the snaccident and the donut!!!

    Feel free to add me to you list of friends, I'm of a firm belief that the more support a person has they better the person can/ will do
  • jrbenji
    jrbenji Posts: 80 Member
    I love reading everyone's progress, hints, and insight so thank you for all of the responses! 110 pounds is about as realistic as it gets for me and even that is a stretch because according to the BMI crap, I would need to lose another 50-65 pounds. In all actuality, according to the BMI, I'm too short.